Merchant Manager


Your machine must already installed:

  • NodeJS
  • Yarn

Techs and libs:

Developers must be familiar with:

  • react
  • redux
  • create-react-app
  • Fetch API
  • React Router v4
  • redux-saga
  • styled-components
  • jest
  • eslint
  • prettier (your code will be formated on every commit)


Run at first time clone project:

  • yarn install: Run at first time clone this project or when any module missing.
  • yarn json-server: Start mock json server.
  • yarn start: Start project at development mode.


  • yarn build: Build for production


  • yarn test: Run tests on watch mode.

Project structure:

The main idea of this is to make things high cohesive.

  • /src
    • index.js
    • App.js: Single app root component.
    • AppRoutes.js: App Route configuration.
    • /constants
    • /redux: All common setup for Redux (reducers, store, middlewares)
    • /helpers: Helpers/Utility functions that would be used among modules
      • FetchHelper.js: A wrapper for Fetch API, see src/helpers/fetchHelper.js for more information.
    • /components: contains React components, which are reused among modules. Building /components is like building Bootstrap or Material UI components, they are the view foundation of the application. Everything in here should have documentation and be well tested..
    • /modules: contains modules, each module represents a feature, everything (component, action, reducer, saga, ...) that closely relates to each other, should be kept in a module. And when a module becomes fat, it should be separated into smaller ones
      • /module1: A module may relate to a feature. It contains many components, pages, actions, reducers, services, ... which are highly relate to each other.
        • index.js: All module items which are needed to be used from outside need to be export from here. From the outside, avoid to import module item directly.
        • /action: Redux actions
        • /component: React components, could be separated into 2 directories: containers and presenters if nessessary.
        • /reducer: Redux reducers
        • /...: More directories if nessessary.
      • /module2
      • /...