
A personal assistant medical chat bot

Primary LanguagePython

Personal Assistant(Health bot)

This is an personal assistant medical chat bot. Which is used for the people, at the time of:

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Health tracking
  • Symptom checking
  • Instant help in emergency situatuions or first aid

Steps to make it run

  1. Clone/Download this repository
git clone clone_path
  1. Downlaod the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. To run the script you need to use the following command
python test.py

Project Directory

  • HealthBot
  • db.sqlite3
  • test.py
  • data
    • english
      • yaml files(for testing the data)
  • Readme.md


  1. After downloading the required librabries, try to run the script.
  2. when you run the script you can see the GUI of the chat-bot which is made up of tkinter. Screenshot (592)
  3. You can write the text in text box the bot will automatically respond from the trainned data set. Data set is saved in the respective data folder The screenshot of conversation of bot is shown below:

Screenshot (594) 4. If you want to speak with the bot, you can speak the bot will also speak with you as your personal assistant. You can check the demo video below: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/61947484/103920080-dd6e2880-5136-11eb-963b-6700da53e074.mp4