A Parser tool which actually tries to convert XML data into JSON data
- Postman (Testing API's)
- IDE - Eclipse / NetBeans/ Inteliji
- SpringToolSuite (Recommended)
- Web Server (Recommended Apache TomCat)
- Make sure you have installed all the required to run this project in your local machine.
- Now clone the repository using the command shown below:
git clone "repository_path"
- Now you can open your favourite IDE, to import the cloned project into the IDE.
- If you are importing your project into Eclipse, Netbeans, or Inteliji. Make sure you have STS(Spring Tool Suite) extension / plugin to it.
- Now you are good to go , to Start the project in your favourite IDE(recommended STS)by running the project as
- maven build
- run as springboot app
- Once the project is running successfully now you can input any xml data format and test click on generate it will display you the Json data.