
👨🏻‍💻A mini fun project on C Programming Language where you can show off your skills on small conditions.

Primary LanguageC


👨🏻‍💻A mini fun project on C Programming Language where you can show off your skills on small conditions.

This project is a simple implementation of a Number Guessing Game in C programming language. It allows users to interactively guess a randomly generated secret number between 1 and 100.

The program begins by declaring variables such as secretNumber, guess, and numGuesses. The secretNumber variable is assigned a random value using the rand() function with the help of the srand(time(0)) statement, which seeds the random number generator with the current time.

Inside the do-while loop, the user is prompted to enter their guess. The input is read using the scanf() function and stored in the guess variable. The program then compares the guess with the secretNumber to provide appropriate feedback.

If the guess is higher than the secretNumber, the program prints "Lower number please!" and if the guess is lower than the secretNumber, it prints "Higher number please!". If the guess is equal to the secretNumber, the program prints "Congratulations!" along with the number of attempts made (numGuesses).

The numGuesses variable is incremented after each guess to keep track of the number of attempts made. The do-while loop continues until the user correctly guesses the secretNumber.

This project is a basic implementation of the Number Guessing Game and serves as a starting point for further enhancements. It demonstrates the use of random number generation, user input, conditional statements, and loop control structures in the C programming language.