
CMPE 273 Assignments, labs and quizzes, Fall'18

Primary LanguagePython


lab1: Http Synchronous and Asynchronous calls

lab2: gRPC Calculator

lab3: UDP
* A connectionless protocol
* Quick way of communication
* Datagram delivery not guarenteed

Assignment 1: Spartan Messenger using gRPC

Assignment 2: Consistent and Rendevous Hashing algorithms implementation in python

Assignment 3: Federated Byzantine Agreement

Quizz: Python mqtt

  • The MQTT protocol is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/”Internet of Things” connectivity protocol.
  • Designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport
  • It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.

Merkle tree: Print the merkle trees and find the difference between the two directories structures.

Merkle Tree

  • Data Structure used in Blockchain and Git
  • Similar to Binary Tree but stores the Hash values of the data instead of the data.
  • Hashing algorithm used : SHA-256
  • In blockchain, used to check if every server has the same data by comparing the hash value of the root.
  • If odd number of nodes/transactions are present then the last node/transaction is duplicated and hashed with the original node/transaction up till you get the root.