
Navigating your filesystem

# Command Action
1. pwd To get the path of directory you are in
2. ls List the contents of the directory
3. ls -lh Displays the details of the files in a folder
4. ls -a Displays hidden files as well
5. ls -R -F List the files everything in the directory (nested)
6. cd [path to the directory] Move to the directory
7. cd .. Move to the parent directory one level above
8. cd ../.. Move to the parent directory two levels above

Create, Copy, Move, Rename, Delete files and directories

# Command Action
1. mkdir [directory] To create a new directory in the current directory
2. touch [filename].txt To create the file
3. open [filename].txt Opens the file
4. cp [filename] [new_filename] Copy the file
5. cp -R [foldername]/ [new_foldername] Copy folders
6. mv [filename] [directory] Move file to the folder
7. mv [foldername] [foldername] Move folder
8. mv [filename] [new filename] Rename the file/folder
9. rm [filename] Delete the file
10. rmdir [directory name] Delete the directory
11. rm [filename] Remove the file
12. rm -r [foldername] Remove the folder
13. rm -rf [foldername] Remove the file

Find command

# Command Action
1. find . Shows all the files in the directory in a tree structure
2. find . -type d Shows only the directories
3. find . -type f Shows only files
4. find . -type f -name "<filename.txt>" Shows the path to the file
5. find . -type f -name "test*" Shows all the files starting with test (case sensitive)
6. find . -type f -iname "test*" Shows all the files case insensitive of the name
7. find . -type f -mmin -n Returns the files modified in last n mins
8. find . -type f -mmin +1 -mmin -5 Returns the files modified more than 1 min and less than 5 mins
9. find . -type f -mtime +20 Returns the files modified more than 20 days ago
10. find . -size +5M Shows files bigger than 5MB
11. find . -empty Shows empty files
12. find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -maxdepth 1 Shows files in current directory only as maxdepth is 1
13. find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} + Removes the files ending with .jpg

Grep command

# Command Action
1. grep "Harshith" names.txt Returns the word from names.txt (Harshith, HarshithReddy)
2. grep -w "Harshith names.txt Returns only when Harshith is a word (Harshith)
3. grep -wi "Harshith names.txt Returns only when Harshith is a word and is also case insensitive (harshith, Harshith)
4. grep -win "Harshith names.txt Returns line numbers as well when Harshith is a word (Harshith)
5. grep -win -A n "Harshith names.txt Returns n lines after
6. grep -win -B n "Harshith names.txt Returns n lines before
7. grep -win -C n "Harshith names.txt Returns n lines in context