
Color API

Primary LanguageMakefile

Multiplica color API

Made with ❤️, by me, with the following technologies:


This project allows designers to have access to colors, in order to integrate them into their graphic charters.



Tool Version Installation/Download
VirtualBox 5.1.18+ https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Vagrant 1.8.7 https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/
Landrush 1.2.0+ $ vagrant plugin install landrush

Fox OS X, vagrant version 1.8.7 might require the following patch:

sudo rm -f /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl

Getting started

To install the project the first time and boot the VM, execute:

make setup # or vagrant up

Now you can access the API docs by browsing to http://multiplica.test/api/docs.

If you don't want to use the vm, you can simply install the project with:

composer install

Then, maybe you need some colors in your database? For that, you need to update the variable DATABASE_URL in the .env file, and execute:

composer do-work

which will create the database, creating schema, and importing the colors.csv data. See more about the command in ### Miscellaneous section below.

How to serve the application out of the vm:

php -S localhost:8000 -t public


On this endpoint you can use the provided sandbox to experiment all routes:

Name Method Path
api_doc ANY /api/docs.{_format}
api_colors_get_collection GET /api/colors
api_colors_post_collection POST /api/colors
api_colors_get_item GET /api/colors/{id}
api_colors_patch_item PATCH /api/colors/{id}
api_colors_put_item PUT /api/colors/{id}
api_colors_delete_item DELETE /api/colors/{id}

The retrieved contents by the Color API corresponds to asked Content-Type header. Allowed types are:

  • application/json
  • application/xml
  • application/html

Here is an example of color list XML response:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <item key="0">
  <item key="1">
    <name>fuchsia rose</name>
  <item key="2">
    <name>true red</name>
    . . .

The listing result can also be paginate by adding the page query parameter, like here: http://multiplica.test/api/colors?page=1 will render the first 20 colors.


For the POST route (api_colors_post_collection), the new color entity must pass those rules:

  • name: not blank (null or empty string), 3 characters min
  • color: '#' character + the color code (examples: #fff, #FFF or #0101DF")
  • pantone_value: not blank, 3 characters min
  • year: not blank, 1900-2099 range


If you want to see the format of the Color API, you can use:

make api-export

If you have more colors entries you want to import, you can run the new command:

vagrant ssh -- "cd /srv/app && php bin/console app:seed-colors <file>"

(Or directly bin/console app:seed-colors <file>if you don't want to use serve the application inside the vm)

Don't forget to replace <file> by the path of your csv file.

Note that you csv file MUST have the , delimiter, and those columns:

id name year color pantone_value

Destroy vms

To destroy entirely the vms, you can use:

make force-destroy

⚠️ it will also drop the project database!