
Javascript starter kit for Brand New Congress

Create a new Webpack/Redux/React/Express app for Brand New Congress! This starter kit features:

  • React for frontend development
  • Redux for frontend data management
  • React-router for clientside routing
  • Express for the server
  • Webpack for development server + hot reloading clientside stuff
  • Nodemon for hot reloading backend code
  • Rollbar for production error handling
  • Minilog for client and server logging
  • Node-foreman for running both the Webpack server and Express server
  • Automatic asset versioning for cache busting in production
  • A sane setup for exception/error handling on both the client and server

Making a new Brand New Congress JS app

  1. Clone this starter kit
  2. Change the git remote to point to your new project's repo with git remote set-url origin <new-url>
  3. Change the README, package name in package.json and package license in package.json (we prefer AGPL-3.0).
  4. Set up an ESLint plugin in your code editor so that you catch coding errors and follow code style guidelines more easily!
  5. npm install
  6. npm shrinkwrap
  7. npm run dev
  8. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see your app in action.
  9. Start making changes by working in the src/frontend and src/backend directories.
  10. Deploy your app to Heroku. Make sure to set the correct environment variables there based on what exists in .env locally!