
Pull This repo git clone

and the go to tweeterThing-stream folder . and run following command :

npm install  

Get twitter-app credentials from here : click here

and place those in /config.js :

	consumer_key: "xxxxxxxxxx",
    consumer_secret: "xxxxxxxxx",
    access_token_key: "xxxxx-xxxxxxx",
    access_token_secret: "xxxxxxx"


To run the app run following command:

npm start

and Boom! its Running in port 3000 (by default),


To Register User :

method : POST

url : localhost:3000/api/auth/register payload:


To Login User :

method : POST

url : localhost:3000/api/auth/login payload:


To Get User List :

method : Get

url : localhost:3000/api/user/list

Header : x-access-token : TOKEN_GET_FROM_LOGIN

To Get Tweeter Data :

method : Get

url : http://localhost:3000/api/v1/client?key=hi

query-param : Optional, by default searches with HI keyword.

Header : x-access-token : TOKEN_GET_FROM_LOGIN

To pass the headers, i'm using Modify Header extension for chrome

i know code is little messy,will fix it soon