
Invoicing Application with Ruby on Rails. (Invocing Application For PRMRM Industries ! )

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

git clone git@github.com:saikiranmothe/prmrminvoice.git

And run the following commands:

if you use sqlite3 1.Un comment gem 'sqlite3' in Gemfile.

2.rename database.yml.sqlite3 to database.yml 

3.Comment gem 'pg' in Gemfile.

bundle install

rake db:schema:load # or

you can run rake db:migrate

You're going to need to create a user on the database using irb:

rails console
>> AdminUser.create! :email => "j.nikhil0041@gmail.com", :password => "adminadmin", :password_confirmation => "adminadmin", :admin => true

You'll need to generate the assets for Active_admin:

rails g active_admin:assets

Now, run rails server and

point your server to http://localhost:3000


For Admin Interface


login : j.nikhil0041@gmail.com

password : adminadmin
