
Get historic CS:GO radar-overviews for official maps (extract maps CRC-table, get radar overviews from BSP files + Steam workshop download)

Primary LanguageGo


Go API & CLI for downloading and extracting data from BSP files. Can be used to get radar-overviews for all historic map versions of CS:GO.

go.dev reference Go Report License Better Uptime Badge

API / Public Service

We provide a free public service to get any radar image and map-info file easily.


URL Formats

  • https://radar-overviews.csgo.saiko.tech/<map>/<crc>/radar.dds
  • https://radar-overviews.csgo.saiko.tech/<map>/<crc>/radar.png - radar.dds converted to PNG (smaller, same quality)
  • https://radar-overviews.csgo.saiko.tech/<map>/<crc>/info.txt - VDF format (Valve Data Format)
  • https://radar-overviews.csgo.saiko.tech/<map>/<crc>/info.json - info.txt converted to JSON (easier to work with)
  • https://radar-overviews.csgo.saiko.tech/<map>/<crc>/nav.nav - <map>.nav- see https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Nav_Mesh and https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/NAV

ℹ️ See further down on how to get the <crc> value.


Limitations / Contact

The public service does not offer any uptime or compatibility guarantees. It also doesn't allow listing/indexing of all map versions or access to the BSP files.

If you are interested in a business-grade service (and many more features!) please get in touch - you can find contact details on the saiko.tech website.



go install github.com/saiko-tech/csgo-centrifuge/cmd/csgo-centrifuge@latest


$ csgo-centrifuge --help
   csgo-centrifuge - process CSGO game files in (hopefully) interesting ways

   main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   bsp             extract interesting data from BSP (Binary-Space-Partition - source-engine maps) files
   crc-table, crc  extract the CRC table from bin/linux64/engine_client.so
   download, dl    download a file from the steam workshop
   help, h         Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help (default: false)


If you have installed csgo-centrifuge, cq & ImageMagick's convert you can do the following to get the correct radar image from a map_crc code.

See further down on how to get the map_crc code.

$ map_crc=2895852907
$ csgo_dir="SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive"

$ crc_table=$(csgo-centrifuge crc-table --in-file $csgo_dir/bin/linux64/engine_client.so)

$ echo $crc_table | cq "(filter #(= (:map_crc %) $map_crc)) first"
{:map_crc 2895852907, :map_name "de_cache", :workshop_id 2497723828}

$ echo $crc_table | cq "(filter #(= (:map_crc %) $map_crc)) first :map_name"

$ echo $crc_table | cq "(filter #(= (:map_crc %) $map_crc)) first :workshop_id"

$ map_name=de_cache
$ workshop_id=2650330155

$ csgo-centrifuge download --workshop-file-id 2497723828 --out-file $map_name.bsp.zip
$ unzip $map_name.bsp.zip

$ csgo-centrifuge bsp radar-image --in-file de_cache.bsp --output-dir out
$ ls out
de_cache_radar.dds  de_cache.txt

$ convert -flip out/de_cache_radar.dds de_cache_radar.png

And then you get the following image de_cache_radar.png:

sample output radar image


Go Get

BSP Utils (Radar Extraction)

go get github.com/saiko-tech/csgo-centrifuge/pkg/bsputil@latest

CRC Table Extraction

go get github.com/saiko-tech/csgo-centrifuge/pkg/crc@latest

Steam API (Workshop Downloads)

go get github.com/saiko-tech/csgo-centrifuge/pkg/steamapi@latest


See API docs.

How to get the map crc code

You can get the map_crc code from demos in the net-message msg.CSVCMsg_ServerInfo.MapCrc using demoinfocs-golang.

package main

import (

	dem "github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang/v2/pkg/demoinfocs"

func main() {
	f, err := os.Open("my.dem")
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	p := dem.NewParser(f)
	defer p.Close()

	p.RegisterNetMessageHandler(func(info *msg.CSVCMsg_ServerInfo) {
		fmt.Println("map_crc", info.MapCrc)
	err := p.ParseToEnd()
	if err != nil {


Massive thanks to @rogerxiii for the proof of concept & help along the way!