- 1
Incomplete license and copyright information
#16 opened by mapero - 0
Incorrect documentation
#15 opened by niloy - 2
MIT License
#12 opened by deepankarmalhan - 14
Please run Babel or similar for dist
#4 opened by hmedney - 0
TypeScript definitions
#11 opened by be5invis - 0
Compile the npm module to ES6
#10 opened by Marindrew - 1
Unexpected character '`' using UglifyJs
#8 opened by xenophy - 0
- 0
Add mocha tests
#5 opened by saikojosh - 1
Running in lower version node will error
#3 opened by zhongzhi107 - 1
- 2
Use util instead of underscore
#1 opened by emilbayes