Snapbook - A social media platform where you could share images and make friends

Version Live App Logo Snapbook is a social media platform where you could share images and make friends. This is an updated version of snapbook (v2), unlike the old snapbook, this version has a updated user interface, better technology, more features and security. The data shared to snapbook is highly secured as we user firebase storage system and next-auth to protect the user data. Snapbook has a moderating content feature where any image that is offensive can't be posted. So that this platform is safer for childerns too. You could post images, like images and also comment your views on it.

App Screenshot

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Tech Stack

UI Desgin Tool: Figma

Frontend Frameworks: React v17.0.2 , NextJS v12.0.10

State Management: React Context API

CSS Framework: TailwindCSS v3.0.7

UI Library: Antd v4.19.3 (used for dropdown and simple UIs)

Others: Heroicons v.1.0.6, Headless UI v1.5.0

Backend Frameworks: Node v14.17.1, Severless NextJS v12.0.10

Database: Firestore v9.6.9, Storage: Firebase Storage v9

Authentication: Next-Auth v4.1.2


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Hi, I'm Sai Krishna Das! 👋

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