
  • User registration and authentication
  • Train creation and management (admin only)
  • Check train availability between source and destination
  • Book seats on available trains (handled race conditions)
  • View booking details

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MySQL
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • bcrypt.js


  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/saikrishnasangu/IRCTC_Design.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd IRCTC_Design
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a .env file and set the following environment variables:
    • HOST: MySQL database host
    • USER: MySQL database user
    • PASSWORD: MySQL database password
    • NAME: MySQL database name
    • JWT_SECRET: Secret key for JWT token generation
    • ADMIN_KEY: Admin key for protected routes
  5. Run (generatekeys.js) by using command node generatekeys
  6. Then copy and paste generated JWT_SECRET & ADMIN_KEY in .env
  7. Create the MySQL database and tables by running the SQL scripts (schema.sql) in the database directory.
  8. Start the server: npm start

API Documentation


  • POST /auth/register: Register a new user
  • POST /auth/login: Authenticate and obtain a JWT token

Trains (Admin Only)

  • POST /trains/create: Create a new train


  • GET /trains/availability?source=<source>&destination=<destination>: Get available trains between source and destination
  • POST /bookings/book: Book seats on a train
  • GET /bookings/details?trainId=<trainId>: Get booking details for a specific train


  • GET /users/me: Get user details (requires authentication)