
A collection of Smart Contracts and DApp examples using Solidity,Web3,Truffle,MetaMask on Ethereum platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Smart Contract examples project with Solidity,Web3js deployed on testrpc or Metamask using Truffle framework.


git,nodejs with npm,ethereumjs-testrpc,truffle with webpack,Meta-mask browser plugin

Get the examples project

Clone this project using
git clone https://github.com/saikyerubandi/smart-contract-beginner.git

Building and the frontend with testrpc

  1. Cd to smart-contract-beginner
  2. sudo chmod +x startTestrpc.sh
  3. run ./startTestrpc
  4. In another command shell run truffle migrate --network dev
  5. run webpack-dev-server --hot
  6. In the browser go to http://localhost:8080/counter.html

Common Errors

1, * Error: Can't resolve '../build/contracts/Counter.json'

This means you haven't compiled or migrated your contracts yet. Run truffle migrate --networkd dev first.

2, * **Error: Counter has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch)   at counter.js:37030 Make sure Metamask browser plugin is turned off as the App is deployed on testrpc.

Building and the frontend with Metamask

1, Stop testrpc

2, Log in or create a new account in MetaMask browser plugin.

3, Switch Metamask to Ethereum test network (Ropsten Testnet at this time)

4, Paste the code in examples like contracts\Solidity.sol in a online solidity compiler like https://ethereum.github.io/browser-solidity/

5, Compile

6, Press Create button to push contract in Ethereum Test

7, Metamask should intercept this call to create and prompt to accept/reject/reset this transaction.

8, Accept the transaction in Metamask.

9, Wait for the create transaction to be mined in Ethereum Testnet. You can also check the transaction details at https://ropsten.etherscan.io/ using transaction number.

10, Once the transaction is mined copy the Contract address and replace in build/contracts/Counter.json as the value of "address" field

"networks": { "1": { "events": {}, "links": {}, "address": "0xa067b3f11f05ccfa5b7623432effe62e8cd9552b", "updated_at": 1497817047868 } 11, Stop and start webpack-dev-server --hot

12, Now your contract frontend should be connected to Ethereum Testnet using Metamask.