
DerainZoo for collecting deraining methods, datasets, and codes.

DerainZoo (Single Image vs. Video Based)

Youzhao Yang, Hong Lu in Fudan Machine Vision Lab

1 Description

  • DerainZoo: A list of deraining methods. Papers, codes and datasets are maintained. Other sources about deraining can be observed in web1 and web2.

  • Datasets for single image deraining are available at the website.

  • More datasets about other image processing task (brightening, HDR, color enhancement, and inpainting) are available here.

2 Image Quality Metrics

Image & Video Quality Assessment Algorithms [software release][Texas Lab]

3 Single Image Deraining

3.1 Datasets

3.1.1 Synthetic Datasets

3.1.2 Real-world Datasets

3.2 Papers


  • MSPFN [paper][code][web]

    • Jiang Kui et al. Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining. (2020 CVPR)
  • Physical Model Guided ID [paper][code][web]

    • Cong Wang et al. Physical Model Guided Deep Image Deraining. (2020 ICME)
  • RDDAN [paper][code][website]

    • Yang, Youzhao et al. RDDAN: A Residual Dense Dilated Aggregated Network for Single Image Deraining. (2020 ICME)
  • DiG-CoM [paper][code][website]

    • Ran, Wu; Yang, Youzhao et al. Single Image Rain Removal Boosting via Directional Gradient. (2020 ICME)
  • VID [paper][code][web]

    • Xu, Jun et al. Variational Image Deraining. (2020 WACV)
  • CMGD [paper][code][web]

    • Rajeev Yasarla et al. Confidence Measure Guided Single Image De-Raining. (2020 TIP)


  • Survey [paper][code][web]

    • Yang, Wenhan et al. Single Image Deraining: From Model-Based to Data-Driven and Beyond. (2019 TPAMI)
  • RWL [paper][code][web]

    • Yang, Wenhan et al. Scale-Free Single Image Deraining Via VisibilityEnhanced Recurrent Wavelet Learning. (2019 TIP)
  • DPRDN [paper][code][web]

    • Wei, Yanyan et al. A Coarse-to-Fine Multi-stream Hybrid Deraining Network for Single Image Deraining. (2019 ICDM)
  • Survey [paper][code][web]

    • Wang, Hong et al. A Survey on Rain Removal from Video and Single Image. (2019 Arxiv)
  • ERL-Net [paper][code][web]

    • Wang, Guoqing et al. ERL-Net: Entangled Representation Learning for Single Image De-Raining. (2019 ICCV)
  • ReHEN [paper][code][web]

    • Yang, Youzhao et al. Single Image Deraining via Recurrent Hierarchy and Enhancement Network. (2019 ACM'MM)
  • DTDN [paper][code][web]

    • Wang, Zheng et al. DTDN: Dual-task De-raining Network. (2019 ACM'MM)
  • GraNet [paper][code][web]

    • Yu, Weijiang et al. Gradual Network for Single Image De-raining. (2019 ACM'MM)
  • AMPE-Net [paper][code][web]

    • Wang, Yinglong et al. An Effective Two-Branch Model-Based Deep Network for Single Image Deraining. (2019 Arxiv)
  • ReMAEN [paper][code][web]

    • Yang, Youzhao el al. Single Image Deraining using a Recurrent Multi-scale Aggregation and Enhancement Network. (2019 ICME)
  • Rain Wiper [paper][code][web]

    • Liang, Xiwen et al. Rain Wiper: An Incremental Randomly Wired Network for Single Image Deraining. (2019 PG)
  • Dual-ResNet [paper][code][web]

    • Liu, Xing et al. Dual Residual Networks Leveraging the Potential of Paired Operations for Image Restoration. (2019 CVPR)
  • Heavy Rain Image Restoration [paper][code][dataset][web]

    • Li, Ruoteng et al. Heavy Rain Image Restoration: Integrating Physics Model and Conditional Adversarial Learning. (2019 CVPR)
  • SPANet [paper][code][web][dataset]

    • Wang, Tianyu et al. Spatial Attentive Single-Image Deraining with a High Quality Real Rain Dataset. (2019 CVPR)
  • Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis [paper][code][dataset]

    • Li, Siyuan et al. Single Image Deraining: A Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis. (2019 CVPR)
  • DAF-Net [paper][code][web]

    • Hu, Xiaowei et al. Depth-attentional Features for Single-image Rain Removal. (2019 CVPR)
  • Semi-supervised Transfer Learning [paper][code][web]

    • Wei, Wei et al. Semi-supervised Transfer Learning for Image Rain Removal. (2019 CVPR)
  • PReNet [paper][code][web]

    • Ren, Dongwei et al. Progressive Image Deraining Networks: A Better and Simpler Baseline. (2019 CVPR)
  • UMRL-using-Cycle-Spinning [paper][code][web]

    • Rajeev Yasarla et al. Uncertainty Guided Multi-Scale Residual Learning-using a Cycle Spinning CNN for Single Image De-Raining. (2019 CVPR)
  • RR-GAN [paper][code][web]

    • Zhu, Hongyuan et al. RR-GAN: Single Image Rain Removal Without Paired Information. (2019 AAAI)
  • LPNet [paper][code][web]

    • Fu, Xueyang et al. Lightweight Pyramid Networks for Image Deraining. (2019 TNNLS)
  • Morphological Networks [paper][code][web]

    • Mondal et al. Morphological Networks for Image De-raining. (2019 Arxiv)


  • QS Priors [paper][code][web]

    • Wang et al. Rain Removal By Image Quasi-Sparsity Priors. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Linear model [paper][code][web]

    • Wang et al. Removing rain streaks by a linear model. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Kernel Guided CNN [paper][code][web]

    • Deng et al. Rain Streak Removal for Single Image via Kernel Guided CNN. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Physics-Based GAM [paper][code][web]

    • Pan, Jinshan et al. Physics-Based Generative Adversarial Models for Image Restoration and Beyond. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Self-supervised Constraints [paper][code][paper]

    • Jin et al. Unsupervised Single Image Deraining with Self-supervised Constraints. (2018 Arxiv)
  • SRSE-Net [paper][code][web]

    • Ye et al. Self-Refining Deep Symmetry Enhanced Network for Rain Removal. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Tree-Structured Fusion Model [paper][code][web]

    • Fu, Xueyang et. al. A Deep Tree-Structured Fusion Model for Single Image Deraining. (2018 Arxiv)
  • Deep DCNet [paper][code] [web1] [web2]

    • Li, Siyuan et al. Fast Single Image Rain Removal via a Deep Decomposition-Composition Network. (ArXiv2018)
  • SFARL Model [paper][code][web]

    • Ren, Dongwei et al. Simultaneous Fidelity and Regularization Learning for Image Restoration. (ArXiv2018)
  • GCAN [paper][code][web]

    • Chen et. al. Gated Context Aggregation Network for Image Dehazing and Deraining. (2018 WACV)
  • Cycle-GAN [paper][code][web]

    • Pu, Jinchuan et al. Removing rain based on a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network. (2018 ICIEA)
  • RESCAN [paper][code][web]

    • Li, Xia et al. Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining. (2018 ECCV)
  • RGFFN [paper][code][web]

    • Fan, Zhiwen et al. Residual-Guide Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining. (2018 ACM'MM)
  • NLEDN [paper][code][web]

    • Li, Guanbin et al. Non-locally Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Network for Single Image De-raining. (2018 ACM'MM)
  • DualCNN [paper][code][web]

    • Pan, Jinshan et al. Learning Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Level Vision. (2018 CVPR)
  • Attentive GAN [paper][code][web][project] [reimplement code]

    • Qian, Rui et al. Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from a Single Image. (2018 CVPR) (tips: this research focuses on reducing the effets form the adherent rain drops instead of rain streaks removal)
  • DID-MDN [paper][code][web]

    • Zhang, He et al. Density-aware Single Image De-raining using a Multi-stream Dense Network. (2018 CVPR)
  • Directional global sparse model [paper] [code][web]

    • Deng, Liangjian et al. A directional global sparse model for single image rain removal. (2018 AMM)
  • Gradient domain [paper][code][web]

    • Du, Shuangli et al. Single image deraining via decorrelating the rain streaks and background scene in gradient domain. (2018 PR)


  • ID_CGAN [paper][code] [web]

    • Zhang, He et al. Image De-raining Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. (2017 Arxiv)
  • Transformed Low-Rank Model [paper][code][web]

    • Chang, Yi et al. Transformed Low-Rank Model for Line Pattern Noise Removal. (2017 ICCV)
  • JBO [paper][code][web]

    • Wei, Wei et al. Joint Bi-layer Optimization for Single-image Rain Streak Removal. (2017 ICCV)
  • JCAS [paper][code][web]

    • Gu, Shuhang et al. Joint Convolutional Analysis and Synthesis Sparse Representation for Single Image Layer Separation. (2017 ICCV)
  • DDN [paper] [code][web]

    • Fu, Xueyang et al. Removing rain from single images via a deep detail network. (2017 CVPR)
  • JORDER [paper] [code][web]

    • Yang, Wenhan et al. Deep joint rain detection and removal from a single image. (2017 CVPR)
  • Hierarchical Approach [paper][code][web]

    • Wang, Yinglong et al. A Hierarchical Approach for Rain or Snow Removing in a Single Color Image. (2017 TIP)
  • Clearing The Skies [paper][code][web]

    • Fu, Xueyang et al. Clearing the skies: A deep network architecture for single-image rain removal. (2017 TIP)
  • Error-optimized Sparse Representation [paper][code][web]

    • Chen, Bohao et al. Error-optimized sparse representation for single image rain removal. (2017 TIE)


  • LP(GMM) (2016 CVPR, 2017 TIP)

    • Li, Yu et al. Rain streak removal using layer priors. [paper][code][web]
    • Li, Yu et al. Single Image Rain Streak Decomposition Using Layer Priors. [paper] [dataset][web]
  • DSC [paper][code][web]

    • Luo, Yu et al. Removing rain from a single image via discriminative sparse coding. (2015 ICCV)
  • Window Covered [paper][code][web]

    • David, Eigen et al. Restoring An Image Taken Through a Window Covered with Dirt or Rain. (2013 ICCV)
  • Image Decomposition paper][code][web]

    • Kang, Liwei et al. Automatic Single-Image-Based Rain Streaks Removal via Image Decomposition. (2012 TIP)

4 Video Based Deraining


  • D3R-Net [paper][code][web]
    • Yang, Wenhan et al. D3R-Net: Dynamic Routing Residue Recurrent Network for Video Rain Removal. (2019 TIP)


  • MSCSC [paper][code] [web][video]

    • Li, Minghan et al. Video Rain Streak Removal By Multiscale ConvolutionalSparse Coding. (2018 CVPR)
  • CNN Framework [paper][code][web Chen] [web Chau]

    • Chen, Jie et al. Robust Video Content Alignment and Compensation for Rain Removal in a CNN Framework. (2018 CVPR)
    • Chen, Jie et al. Robust Video Content Alignment and Compensation for Clear Vision Through the Rain [paper][code][web](tips: I guess this is the extended journal version)
  • Erase or Fill [paper][code][web Liu] [web Yang]

    • Liu, Jiaying et al. Erase or Fill? Deep Joint Recurrent Rain Removal and Reconstruction in Videos. (2018 CVPR)


  • MoG [paper] [code][web]

    • Wei, Wei et al. Should We Encode Rain Streaks in Video as Deterministic or Stochastic? (2017 ICCV)
  • FastDeRain [paper][code]

    • Jiang, Taixiang et al. A novel tensor-based video rain streaks removal approach via utilizing discriminatively intrinsic priors. (2017 CVPR)
  • Matrix Decomposition [paper][code][web]

    • Ren, Weilong et al. Video Desnowing and Deraining Based on Matrix Decomposition. (2017 CVPR)


  • Adherent Raindrop Modeling [paper][code][web]

    • You, Shaodi et al. Adherent raindrop modeling, detectionand removal in video. (2016 TPAMI)
  • Low-rank Matrix Completion [paper][code][web]

    • Kim, JH et al. Video deraining and desnowing using temporal correlation and low-rank matrix completion. (2015 TIP)
  • Utilizing Local Phase Information [paper][code][web]

    • Santhaseelan et al. Utilizing local phase information to remove rain from video. (2015 IJCV)

5 Acknowledgement

  • Thanks for the sharing of codes of image quality metrics by Wang, Hong.

6 Contact