
K-medoids and K-centers clustering of PDB files (RNA/DNA/protein)

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


K-medoids and K-centers clustering of PDB files (RNA/DNA/protein).




./PDBCluster -name <atomtype1> [-name <atomtype2> ..] -clusteringType <distSum|maxDistSum|maxDist> -clusters <integer> [list of pdb-files]


./PDBCluster -name <atomtype1> [-name <atomtype2> ..] -dumpDistances <filename>


Example of running k-centers for k=10:

./PDBCluster -name CA -name CB -clusteringType maxDist -clusters 10 sample1.pdb sample2.pdb sample3.pdb ...
  • Standard value for -name is C4' and CA
  • Standard value for -clusteringType is distSum
  • Standard value for -clusters is 10

-clusteringType distSum will perform standard k-medoids clustering where the cost associated with a set of medoids is the average distance from each member to its nearest medoid.

-clusteringType maxDistSum will perform a variant of k-centers clustering where the cost associated with a set of medoids is the average distance from each medoid to its furthest associated member.

-clusteringType maxDist will perform k-centers clustering where the cost associated with a set of medoids is the largest distance from any site to the nearest medoid.

For all clustering types, the dRMSD metric is used to indicate the distance between two structures. If -dumpDistances is specified no clustering is performed, the structure dRMSD distance matrix is just written to the specified file.