QT 4.4.3 with Visual Studio 2015


QT 4.4.3 with Visual Studio 2015

Add C:\Qt\4.4.3\bin to path variable

cd C:\Qt\4.4.3

configure.exe -debug -no-webkit -no-vcproj -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend


12,13d11 < #define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1 < 123c121 < //typedef double float_t;

typedef double float_t;


61,62c61 < //virtual ~LuceneBase(){}; < virtual ~LuceneBase()noexcept(false){};

virtual ~LuceneBase(){};


105c105 < ~MultiTermPositions()noexcept(false){};

~MultiTermPositions() {};


85c85 < ~SegmentTermPositions()noexcept(false);



368c368 < ~SegmentTermPositionVector()noexcept(false);



222c222 < typename _compare,

typename _Compare, 226c226 < CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt, _compare>,

CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt, _Compare>, 229,230c229,230 < typedef typename CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt,_compare> _base; < typedef __CLMap<_kt, _vt, CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt, _compare>,

typedef typename CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt,_Compare> _base; typedef __CLMap<_kt, _vt, CL_NS_STD(map)<_kt,_vt, _Compare>,


232c232 < //# ifndef _M_IX86

ifndef _M_IX86

243,244c243,244 < //# else < //# define _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(a,b,c) \


define _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(a,b,c) \

246,250c246,250 < //# define _InterlockedExchangePointer(a, b)
< // _InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(a), long(b)) < //# define _InterlockedExchangeAddPointer(a,b)
< // _InterlockedExchangeAdd(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(a), long(b)) < //# endif

define _InterlockedExchangePointer(a, b) \

    _InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(a), long(b))

define _InterlockedExchangeAddPointer(a,b) \

    _InterlockedExchangeAdd(reinterpret_cast<volatile long *>(a), long(b))


286c286 < //#ifndef _M_IX86

#ifndef _M_IX86 288,290c288,290 < //#else < // (long)
< //#endif

#else (long)


38,39d37 < #define PATH_MAX 4096 <