Autonomous characterization of molecular compounds from small datasets without descriptors

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Autonomous molecular compounds characterization for small datasets without descriptors

Guillaume Lambard (1), Ekaterina Gracheva (2,3)
1. Research and Services Division of Materials Data and Integrated System, Energy Materials Design Group, National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044, Japan.
2. International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044 Japan.
3. University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8577 Japan.

On arXiv: arXiv:1906.09938 [physics.comp-ph]

What is it?

The SMILES-X is an autonomous pipeline that finds best neural architectures to predict a physicochemical property from molecular SMILES only (see OpenSMILES). No human-engineered descriptors are needed. The SMILES-X has been especially designed for small datasets (<< 1000 samples).

Who can use the SMILES-X?

Researchers/engineers/students in the fields of materials science, physicochemistry, drug discovery and related fields

Which kind of data can be used?

The SMILES-X is dedicated to small datasets (<< 1000 samples) of (molecular SMILES, experimental/simulated property)

What can I do with it?

With the SMILES-X, you can:

  • Design specific neural architectures fitted to your small dataset via Bayesian optimization.
  • Predict molecular properties of a list of SMILES based on designed models ensembling without human-engineered descriptors.
  • Interpret a prediction by visualizing the salient elements and/or substructures most related to a property

What is the efficiency of the SMILES-X on benchmark datasets?


  • ESOL: logarithmic aqueous solubility (mols/L) for 1128 organic small molecules.
  • FreeSolv: calculated and experimental hydration free energies (kcal/mol) for 642 small neutral molecules in water.
  • Lipophilicity: experimental data on octanol/water distribution coefficient (logD at pH 7.4) for 4200 compounds.

All these datasets are available in the validation_data/ directory above.


You must have an access to at least 1 NVIDIA GPU with:

  • CUDA >= 9.0
  • cuDNN >= 7.3.0

For now, the SMILES-X has been successfully runned on Titan(Xp, V, V100, P100), GTX 1660 and RTX 2070/80 NVIDIA GPUs.

For a good start, follow the RDKit installation guide for installing the RDKit via conda.
Then, install the following dependencies in your RDKit conda environment (e.g. my-rdkit-env):

  • python >= 3.6
  • pandas >= 0.24.2
  • numpy >= 1.16.4
  • matplotlib >= 3.1.0
  • GPy >= 1.9.8
  • GPyOpt >= 1.2.5
  • scikit-learn >= 0.21.2
  • adjustText >= 0.7.3
  • scipy >= 1.3.0
  • Keras >= 2.2.4
  • tensorflow-gpu >= 1.12.0


The following instruction is a summary from the python notebooks SMILESX_Prediction_github.ipynb and SMILESX_Visualization_github.ipynb available above. Please feel free to download, use and modify them.

  • Copy and paste the directory called SMILESX into your working directory
  • Use the following basic import to your jupyter notebook
import pandas as pd
from SMILESX import main, interpret, inference
%matplotlib inline

How to find the best architectures for my dataset?

  • After basic libraries import, unfold your dataset
validation_data_dir = "./validation_data/"
extension = '.csv'
data_name = 'FreeSolv' # FreeSolv, ESOL, Lipophilicity or your own dataset
prop_tag = 'expt' # which column corresponds to the property to infer in the *.csv file

sol_data = pd.read_csv(validation_data_dir+data_name+extension)
sol_data = sol_data[['smiles',prop_tag]] # reduce the data to (SMILES, property) sets

If the column containing the SMILES has a different name, feel free to change it accordingly

  • Define architectural hyper-parameters bounds to be used for the neural architecture search
dhyp_range = [int(2**itn) for itn in range(3,11)] # 
dalpha_range = [float(ialpha/10.) for ialpha in range(20,40,1)] # Adam's learning rate = 10^(-dalpha_range)

bounds = [
    {'name': 'lstmunits', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': dhyp_range},  # number of LSTM units
    {'name': 'denseunits', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': dhyp_range}, # number of Dense units
    {'name': 'embedding', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': dhyp_range},  # number of Embedding dimensions
    {'name': 'batchsize', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': dhyp_range},  # batch size per epoch during training
    {'name': 'lrate', 'type': 'discrete', 'domain': dalpha_range}     # Adam's learning rate 10^(-dalpharange) 

These bounds are used in the paper, but they can be tuned according to your dataset

  • Let the SMILES-X find the best architectures for the most accurate property predictions
main.Main(data=sol_data,        # provided data (SMILES, property)
          data_name=data_name,  # dataset's name
          data_units='',        # property's SI units
          bayopt_bounds=bounds, # bounds contraining the Bayesian search of neural architectures
          k_fold_number = 10,   # number of k-folds used for cross-validation
          augmentation = True,  # SMILES augmentation
          outdir = "./data/",  # directory for outputs (plots + .txt files)
          bayopt_n_epochs = 10, # number of epochs for training during Bayesian search
          bayopt_n_rounds = 25, # number of architectures to sample during Bayesian search 
          bayopt_on = True,     # use Bayesian search
          n_gpus = 1,           # number of GPUs to be used
          patience = 25,        # number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped
          n_epochs = 100)       # maximum of epochs for training

Please refer to the SMILESX/main.py for a detailed review of the options

How to infer a property on new data (SMILES)?

  • Just use
pred_from_ens = inference.Inference(data_name=data_name, 
                                    smiles_list = ['CC','CCC','C=O'], # new list of SMILES to characterize
                                    data_units = '',
                                    k_fold_number = 3,                # number of k-folds used for inference
                                    augmentation = True,              # with SMILES augmentation
                                    outdir = "./data/")

It returns a table of SMILES with their inferred property (mean, standard deviation) determined by models ensembling, e.g. prediction_ex_table

How to interpret a prediction?

  • Just use
                         k_fold_number = 3,
                         k_fold_index = 0,               # model id to use for interpretation
                         augmentation = True, 
                         outdir = "./data/", 
                         smiles_toviz = 'Cc1ccc(O)cc1C', # SMILES to interpret
                         font_size = 15,                 # plots font parameter
                         font_rotation = 'vertical')     # plots font parameter


  • 1D attention map on individual tokens 1d_attention_map

  • 2D attention map on individual vertices and edges 2d_attention_map

  • Temporal relative distance to the final prediction, or evolution of the inference with sequential addition of tokens along a SMILES temporal_map

Please refer to the article for further details

How to cite the SMILES-X?

    title={SMILES-X: autonomous molecular compounds characterization for small datasets without descriptors},
    author={Guillaume Lambard and Ekaterina Gracheva},