
A simple, fast, efficient and end-to-end 3D object detector without NMS.

Suppress-and-Refine Framework for End-to-End 3D Object Detection

A simple, fast, efficient and end-to-end 3D object detector without NMS.

Main results

ScanNet V2

Method backbone mAP@0.25 mAP@0.5 Runtime (FPS) Ckpt
VoteNet PointNet++ 62.9 39.9 10.8 -
H3DNet 4xPointNet++ 67.2 48.1 4.4 -
MLCVNet PointNet++ 64.5 41.4 6.7 -
BRNet PointNet++ 66.1 50.9 8.7 -
Group-Free PointNet++ 67.3 48.9 7.1 -
Ours PointNet++ 66.2 53.5 13.5 model_ckpt


Method backbone mAP@0.25 mAP@0.5 Ckpt
VoteNet PointNet++ 59.1 35.8 -
H3DNet 4xPointNet++ 60.1 39.0 -
MLCVNet PointNet++ 59.8 - -
BRNet PointNet++ 61.1 43.7 -
Group-Free PointNet++ 63.0 45.2 -
Ours PointNet++ 60.0 44.7 model_ckpt

The FPS is tested on a V100 GPU.

Quick start

Our code will be released soon.


Our code is based on wonderful mmdetection3d. Very apperciate their works!


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