
bsdf mirror

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Binary Structured Data Format

The Binary Structured Data Format (BSDF) is an open specification for serializing (scientific) data, for the purpose of storage and (inter process) communication.

It's designed to be a simple format, making it easy to implement in many programming languages. However, the format allows implementations to support powerful mechanics such as lazy loading of binary data, and streamed reading/writing.

BSDF is a binary format; by giving up on human readability, BSDF can be simple, compact and fast. See the full specification, or how it compares to other formats.

The source code is at Gitlab.

Data types and extensions

BSDF supports 8 base types: null, booleans, integers, floats, strings/text, (heterogenous) lists, mappings (i.e. dictionaries), and binary blobs. Integers and floats represent 64 bit numbers, but can be encoded using less bytes. Binary blobs can optionally be compressed (zlib or bz2), can have checksums, and can be resized.

Via an efficient extension mechanism, other data types (including custom ones), can be serialized. The standard extensions work out of the box, supporting e.g. nd-arrays and complex numbers.


The format is complete, except for a few details such us how to deal with blob checksums. All implementations comply with the format and are well-tested. We could do with implementatations in additional languages though!


Implementations currently exist for multiple languages. Each implementation is continuously tested to ensure compatibility.

We'd like implementations for other languages (such as R and Julia). BSDF is designed to be easy to implement; perhaps you want to contribute?

We aim for the implementations to have similar API's: a class whose instances hold extensions and options, and has encode(), decode(), save(),load(), and add_extension() methods. Optionally, an implementation can provide convenience functions.

There is also a command line interface that can be used to e.g. create and view BSDF files.


See the specific implementations for detailed installation instructions. Most implementations consist of a single file.


In Python:

>>> import bsdf
>>> b = bsdf.encode(['just some objects', {'foo': True, 'bar': None}, 42.001])
>>> b
b'BSDF\x02\x00l\x03s\x11just some objectsm\x02\x03fooy\x03barvd\xe3\xa5\x9b\xc4 \x00E@'
>>> len(b)
>>> bsdf.decode(b)
['just some objects', {'foo': True, 'bar': None}, 42.001]

See more Python examples, see the Python example notebook.

In JavaScript:

> bsdf = require('bsdf.js')
{ encode: [Function: bsdf_encode],
  decode: [Function: bsdf_decode],
  BsdfSerializer: [Function: BsdfSerializer],
  standard_extensions: ...}
> b = bsdf.encode(['just some objects', {foo: true, bar: null}, 42.001])
ArrayBuffer { byteLength: 48 }
> bsdf.decode(b)
[ 'just some objects', { foo: true, bar: null }, 42.001 ]

In Matlab / Octave:

>> bsdf = Bsdf()
>> b = bsdf.encode({'just some objects', struct('foo', true, 'bar', []), 42.001});
>> size(b)
ans =
   48    1
>> bsdf.decode(b)
ans =
  [1,1] = just some objects
  [1,2] =

    scalar structure containing the fields:

      foo = 1
      bar = [](0x0)

  [1,3] =  42.001

It is worth noting that although different languages may represent data types in slightly different ways, the underlying bytes in BSDF are the same. This makes BSDF suited for inter-language communication.


In principal, all implementations in the BSDF repository use the 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE for details), unless otherwise specified. All code is liberally licensed (BSD- or MIT-like).