
ResNet Implementation for Faster-rcnn

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This code extends py-faster-rcnn by adding ResNet implementation and Online Hard Example Mining.

This is a ResNet Implementation for Faster-RCNN. The faster rcnn code is based on py-faster-rcnn. The ohem code is based on ohem. To reduce the memory usage, we use batchnorm layer in Microsoft's caffe


  1. The caffe-fast-rcnn we use is a little different from the one py-faster-rcnn use, it uses the batchnorm layer from Microsoft's caffe to reduce the memory usage.
  2. Using the in-place eltwise sum within the PR
  3. To reduce the memory usage, we also release a pretrained ResNet-101 model in which batchnorm layer's parameters is merged into scale layer's, see tools/merge_bn_scale.py form more detail.
  4. Use Online-Hard-Example-Mining while training.


The usage is similar to py-faster-rcnn.

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Eniac-Xie/faster-rcnn-resnet.git

We'll call the directory that you cloned faster-rcnn-resnet ROOT

  1. Clone the modified caffe-fast-rcnn
cd $ROOT/
git clone https://github.com/Eniac-Xie/caffe-fast-rcnn.git
  1. Build Cython module
 cd $ROOT/lib/
  1. Build Caffe
 cd $ROOT/caffe-fast-rcnn
 make all -j8
 make pycaffe


training data test data ohem mAP@0.5
Faster-RCNN, ResNet-101 VOC 07+12 trainval VOC 07 test False 78.78%
Faster-RCNN, ResNet-101 VOC 07+12 trainval VOC 07 test True 79.44%


Download faster-rcnn-resnet weights from:

faster-rcnn-resnet without ohem (BaiduYun)

faster-rcnn-resnet without ohem (OneDrive)

faster-rcnn-resnet with ohem (BaiduYun)

faster-rcnn-resnet with ohem (OneDrive)

then you can do as follow:

 cd $ROOT/
 sh experiments/scripts/train_resnet101_bn_scale_merged_0712_end2end.sh


 cd $ROOT/
 sh experiments/scripts/train_resnet101_bn_scale_merged_0712_end2end_ohem.sh


Download resnet-101 pretrained model, note that we use a modified version in which batchnorm layer's parameters is merged into scale layer's, you can download the model from Baidu Yun or OneDrive

then you can do as follow:

 cd $ROOT/
 sh experiments/scripts/train_resnet101_bn_scale_merged_0712_end2end.sh


 cd $ROOT/
 sh experiments/scripts/train_resnet101_bn_scale_merged_0712_end2end_ohem.sh