
Image Similarity Search in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Image Similarity using PyTorch

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Auto-encoder based Image-Similarity Engine

  • Builds a simple Convolutional Auto-encoder based Image similarity engine.
  • This solves the problem of finding similar images using unsupervised learning. There are no labels for images.

Tasks that it can do.

  • Similar images using Auto-encoders.
  • Similar image search from image features.
  • Clustering similar images.

Repostory Structure.

=== data                        Read data from here. It is in gitignore so it won't appear here.
=== docs                        Documentation using mkdocs.
=== image_similarity
====== cluster_images.py        Clusters the embeddings learnt using PCA and T-SNE.
====== torch_data.py            Contains Dataset class to create PyTorch dataset from folder.
====== torch_model.py           Convolutional Auto-enocder Model.
====== torch_engine.py          Train_step and validation_step for training.
====== torch_train.py           Trainng script. Trains Auto-enocder and saves the embeddings.
====== torch_infer.py           Contains inference code
====== config.py                Configurations of models and paths.
====== torch_inference.ipynb    Inference code in .ipynb to play with.
====== torch_train.ipynb        Stand-alone code to train in Jupyter.
=== tests                       Contains tests for CI


Please visit here for documentation.

It contains detailed description of work.

Image similarity Outputs

Some sample outputs of recommendations.

  • Query Image

Query Image

  • Recommendaed Images

Recommendation 1

Recommendation 2

Recommendation 3

More outputs can be found in outputs folder.


  • Some models trained using a sample dataset are given in this link.
  • It contains encoder, decoder and numpy embeddings generated from auto-enocoders.
  • These are obtained by running torch_train.py script.