
a pipeline to cluster proteins into families

Primary LanguagePython


a pipeline to cluster homologous proteins into families

How to install the pipeline

You need to install Mmseqs2, MCL, HH-pred suite and the biopython module

how to run the pipeline

It's a two steps pipeline. A first clustering is done using the MMseqs2 software, this step defines the subfamilies. From the subfamilies, an HMM-HMM comparison is performed using the Hhblits software from the HHpred suite.

How to create subfamilies using subfamilies.py

./subfamilies.py FASTA_FILENAME --output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

How to create families

./hhblits.py CONFIG_FILENAME  # creating the HMMs and perfoming the HMM-HMM comparison
./runningMclClustering.py CONFIG_FILENAME # running MCL to create the families

how to assess the quality of the clustering