
Windows Template Library

Primary LanguageC++



1. git clone https://github.com/sailfish009/wtl

2. copy include directory to other place to easy to remember ( EX): C:\WTL\include)

3. try to build WTLExplorer(wtl\Samples\WTLExplorer) with your visual studio ide.

   // try to change below macros to your windows os version
   #define WINVER		0x0A00
   #define _WIN32_IE	0x0A00
   #define _RICHEDIT_VER	0x0100
   #define NTDDI_VERSION 0x06030000
   #define _WIN32_WINNT  0x0A00

4. Properties -> General -> Target Platform (win8.1 -> Windows 10)

5. Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Include Directories

   // try to change directories match with your ide environment (mine win10, vs2017 pro)
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\um
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\shared
6. try to build WTLExplorer and see if it built fine and run.


// WTL9 works fine with vs2017 express (with WDK 7.1) or professional 

// add following 2 lines to your project source code

// add WTL/include to your project directory (no need to run setup.js)

#pragma comment(lib, "legacy_stdio_definitions.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "atlthunk.lib")


Windows Template Library - WTL Version 9.1 (build 5321 final) 2015-11-17

Copyright © 2015 Microsoft Corporation, WTL Team. All rights reserved.

This file is a part of the Windows Template Library. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Microsoft Public License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MS-PL) which can be found in the file MS-PL.txt at the root folder.

Welcome to the Windows Template Library, version 9.1. This document contains the following topics:

Introduction Features and Installation Packing List Class Overview ATL/WTL AppWizard Support for Windows CE Support for Visual C++ Express Notes Changes Between WTL 9.1 and 9.0 Changes Between WTL 9.0 and 8.0 Changes Between WTL 8.0 and 7.5 Changes Between WTL 7.5 and 7.1 Changes Between WTL 7.1 and 7.0 Changes Between WTL 7.0 and 3.1 Changes Between WTL 3.1 and 3.0


Windows Template Library, or WTL, is a set of classes that extend ATL to support more complex user interfaces for either applications or various UI components, while maintaining the big advantage of ATL - small and fast code. WTL classes were designed to be the best and the easiest way to implement rich Win32 based UI for ATL based applications, servers, components, and controls.

WTL provides support for implementing many user interface elements, from frame and popup windows, to MDI, standard and common controls, common dialogs, property sheets and pages, GDI objects, UI updating, scrollable windows, splitter windows, command bars, etc. The WTL classes are mostly templated and use minimal instance data and inline functions. They were not designed as a framework, so they do not force a particular application model, and can accommodate any. The classes do not use hooks or thread local storage, so they have no restrictions that those techniques impose. They also have no inter-dependencies and can be freely mixed with straight SDK code. In summary, WTL delivers very small and efficient code, very close in size and speed to SDK programs, while presenting a more logical, object oriented model to a programmer.

Features and Installation

This is the eigth public release of WTL, after WTL 3.0, 3.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 8.0, and 9.0. This version is released under the Microsoft Public License, enabling developers from the WTL community to contribute to the library.

WTL classes can be used with either VC++ 6.0, VC++ .NET 2002 or 2003, VC++ 2005 or 2008 or 2010 or 2012 or 2013 or 2015, or EVC++ 4.0 or 3.0. AppWizard for Visual Studio is included.

The WTL classes are provided in header files located in the include directory. The only header files that must be included is atlapp.h, while others can be used when needed. The name of the file doesn't mean that you have to create an application, just that atlapp.h contains base definitions required for WTL projects.

To install WTL, just copy the whole directory structure, or unpack the archive file, to the location of your choice. Please be sure to add the WTL\include directory to the list of include directories in VC++, so that the compiler can find them when you include them in your projects..

Setup programs for the AppWizard are provided. After executing the setup script, ATL/WTL AppWizard will appear in the list of AppWizards when you select File.New.Project in VC++ IDE. The file AppWiz\setup.js is the setup script for all supported versions of Visual Studio, while AppWizards for Windows CE have separate scripts for VS2005 and VS2008 SmartDevice projects.

To manually install AppWizard for VC++ .NET 2002/2003, copy all WTLAppWiz.* files from AppWiz\Files to VC++ .NET projects directory, %VC7DIR%\Vc7\vcprojects, where %VC7DIR% is the directory where VC++ .NET 2002/2003 is installed. After that, open WTLAppWiz.vsz and modify the like that contains ABSOLUTE_PATH to contain %WTLDIR%\AppWiz\Files, where %WTLDIR% is the directory where WTL files are.

Platform support and requirements:

        Visual C++ 6.0   (ATL 3.0)
        Visual C++.NET 2002   (ATL 7.0)
        Visual C++.NET 2003   (ATL 7.1)
        Visual C++ 2005   (ATL 8.0)
        Visual C++ 2008   (ATL 9.0)
        Visual C++ 2010   (ATL 10.0)
        Visual C++ 2012   (ATL 11.0)
        Visual C++ 2013   (ATL 12.0)
        Visual C++ 2015   (ATL 14.0)

SDK (optional):
        Any Platform SDK from January 2000 release up to the latest Windows SDK

Windows CE development:
        eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 - Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002
        eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 - STANDARDSDK_410, Pocket PC 2003, Smartphone 2003,
                                                 STANDARDSDK_500, Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE
        Visual C++ 2005 - Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE, STANDARDSDK_500,
                                   Windows Mobile 5.0 (Pocket PC and Smartphone),
                                   Windows Mobile 6.0 (Standard and Professional)
        Visual C++ 2008 - Pocket PC 2003 SE, Smartphone 2003 SE, STANDARDSDK_500,
                                   Windows Mobile 5.0 (Pocket PC and Smartphone),
                                   Windows Mobile 6.0 (Standard and Professional)

Packing List

File Name: Description: readme.html this file MS-PL.txt Microsoft Public License

atlapp.h message loop, interfaces, general app stuff atlcrack.h message cracker macros atlctrls.h standard and common control classes atlctrlw.h command bar class atlctrlx.h bitmap button, check list view, and other controls atlddx.h data exchange for dialogs and windows atldlgs.h common dialog classes, property sheet and page classes atldwm.h DWM support classes atlfind.h Find/Replace support for Edit and RichEdit atlframe.h frame window classes, MDI, update UI classes atlgdi.h DC classes, GDI object classes atlmisc.h WTL ports of CPoint, CRect, CSize, CString, etc. atlprint.h printing and print preview atlres.h standard resource IDs atlresce.h standard resource IDs for Windows CE atlribbon.h RibbonUI support atlscrl.h scrollable windows atlsplit.h splitter windows atltheme.h Windows XP theme classes atluser.h menu class, USER object classes atlwince.h specific support for Windows CE Mobile platforms atlwinx.h extensions of ATL windowing support

Aero... Vista Aero glass showcase Alpha... Windows XP 32-bit (alpha) toolbar images BmpView... bitmap file view sample GuidGen... WTL version of the GuidGen sample ImageView... Full-featured PPC frame-view application MDIDocVw... WTL version of the MDI sample MemDlg... In-memory dialog sample MiniPie... port of the SDK sample for Mobile devices MTPad... multithreaded notepad sample MTPad7... MTPad with RibbonUI SPControls... Barebone SmartPhone dialog application TabBrowser... Web browser using TabView Wizard97Test... Wizard97 showcase sample WTLExplorer... Explorer-like application sample

setup.js AppWizard setup program for all versions of Visual Studio Files... WTL AppWizard files

setup80.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ 2005 setup90.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ 2008 Files... WTL AppWizard CE files

setup80.js AppWizard Mobile setup program for VC++ 2005 setup90.js AppWizard Mobile setup program for VC++ 2008 Files... WTL AppWizard Mobile files

Class Overview

usage: mi base - a base class (multiple inheritance) client - wrapper class for a handle as-is - to be used directly impl - implements a window (has WindowProc) or other support helper - a helper class base - implementation base class

class name: usage: description:

App/module support CAppModule as-is app support, CComModule derived CServerAppModule as-is module for COM servers CMessageLoop as-is message loop CMessageFilter mi base message filter interface CIdleHandler mi base idle time handler interface

Frame windows CFrameWindowImplBase base CFrameWindowImpl impl frame window support COwnerDraw impl mi base owner-draw msg map and handlers CDialogResize impl mi base support for resizing dialogs CDoubleBufferImpl impl mi double-buffer painting support CDoubleBufferWindowImpl impl double-buffer painting window

MDI windows CMDIWindow client MDI methods CMDIFrameWindowImpl impl MDI frame window CMDIChildWindowImpl impl MDI child window

Update UI CUpdateUIBase base CUpdateUI mi base class provides support for UI update CDynamicUpdateUI mi base class provides dynamic support for UI update

Standard controls CStatic client static ctrl CButton client button ctrl CListBox client list box ctrl CComboBox client combo box ctrl CEdit client edit ctrl CEditCommands mi standard edit command support CScrollBar client scroll bar ctrl

Common controls CImageList client image list CListViewCtrl client list view ctrl CTreeViewCtrl client tree view ctrl CTreeItem helper CTreeViewCtrlEx client uses CTreeItem CHeaderCtrl client header bar ctrl CToolBarCtrl client toolbar ctrl CStatusBarCtrl client status bar ctrl CTabCtrl client tab ctrl CToolTipCtrl client tool tip ctrl CToolInfo helper CTrackBarCtrl client trackbar ctrl CUpDownCtrl client up-down ctrl CProgressBarCtrl client progress bar ctrl CHotKeyCtrl client hot key ctrl CAnimateCtrl client animation ctrl CRichEditCtrl client rich edit ctrl CRichEditCommands mi std rich edit commands support CDragListBox client drag list box CDragListNotifyImpl impl mi class support for notifications CReBarCtrl client rebar ctrl CComboBoxEx client extended combo box CDateTimePickerCtrl client date-time ctrl CFlatScrollBarImpl mi impl flat scroll bars support CFlatScrollBar as-is flat scroll bars support CIPAddressCtrl client IP address ctrl CMonthCalendarCtrl client month calendar ctrl CCustomDraw impl mi class custom draw handling support

Windows CE controls CCECommandBarCtrl client command bar ctrl CCECommandBandsCtrl client command bands ctrl

Property sheet & page CPropertySheetWindow client CPropertySheetImpl impl property sheet CPropertySheet as-is CPropertyPageWindow client CPropertyPageImpl impl property page CPropertyPage as-is CAxPropertyPageImpl impl property page with ActiveX CAxPropertyPage as-is CWizard97SheetWindow client CWizard97SheetImpl impl Wizard97 property sheet CWizard97Sheet as-is CWizard97PageWindow client CWizard97PageImpl impl Wizard97 property page CWizard97ExteriorPageImpl impl Wizard97 exterior page CWizard97InteriorPageImpl impl Wizard97 interior page CAeroWizardFrameWindow client CAeroWizardFrameImpl impl Aero Wizard frame CAeroWizardFrame as-is CAeroWizardPageWindow client CAeroWizardPageImpl impl Aero Wizard page CAeroWizardPage as-is CAeroWizardAxPageImpl impl Aero Wizard page with ActiveX CAeroWizardAxPage as-is

Common dialogs CFileDialogImpl impl GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName CFileDialog as-is CMultiFileDialogImpl impl Multi-select GetOpenFileName CMultiFileDialog as-is CShellFileDialogImpl base CShellFileOpenDialogImpl impl Shell File Open dialog CShellFileOpenDialog as-is CShellFileSaveDialogImpl impl Shell File Save dialog CShellFileSaveDialog as-is CFolderDialogImpl impl directory picker CFolderDialog as-is CFontDialogImpl impl ChooseFont common dialog CFontDialog as-is CRichEditFontDialogImpl impl ChooseFont for rich edit CRichEditFontDialog as-is CColorDialogImpl impl ChooseColor common dialog CColorDialog as-is CPrintDialogImpl impl PrintDlg common dialog CPrintDialog as-is CPrintDialogExImpl impl new Win2000 print dialog CPrintDialogEx as-is CPageSetupDialogImpl impl PageSetupDlg common dialog CPageSetupDialog as-is CFindReplaceDialogImpl impl FindText/ReplaceText CFindReplaceDialog as-is

User support CMenu client menu support CMenuItemInfo as-is MENUITEMINFO wrapper CAccelerator client accelerator table CIcon client icon object CCursor client cursor object CResource client generic resource object

GDI support CDC client DC support CPaintDC client for handling WM_PAINT CClientDC client for GetDC CWindowDC client for GetWindowDC CMemoryDC client in-memory DC CPen client GDI pen object CBrush client GDI brush object CLogFont as-is LOGFONT wrapper CFont client GDI font object CBitmap client GDI bitmap object CPalette client GDI palette object CRgn client GDI region object

Enhanced controls CCommandBarCtrlImpl impl command bar CCommandBarCtrl as-is CBitmapButtonImpl impl bitmap button CBitmapButton as-is CCheckListViewCtrlImpl impl check list box CCheckListViewCtrl as-is CHyperLinkImpl impl hyper link control CHyperLink as-is CWaitCursor as-is wait cursor CCustomWaitCursor as-is custom and animated wait cursor CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrlImpl impl status bar with multiple panes CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrl as-is CPaneContainerImpl impl pane window container CPaneContainer as-is CSortListViewImpl impl sorting list view control CSortListViewCtrlImpl impl CSortListViewCtrl as-is CTabViewImpl; impl tab view window CTabView as-is

Scrolling window support CScrollImpl impl mi scrolling support CScrollWindowImpl impl scrollable window CMapScrollImpl impl mi scrolling support with map modes CMapScrollWindowImpl impl scrollable window with map modes CZoomScrollImpl impl mi zooming support CZoomScrollWindowImpl impl zooming window CScrollContainerImpl impl scroll container window CScrollContainer as-is

Splitter window support CSplitterImpl impl mi splitter support CSplitterWindowImpl impl splitter window CSplitterWindow as-is

Theming support CTheme client Windows XP theme CThemeImpl impl theming support for a window

Buffered paint and animation support CBufferedPaint as-is buffered paint CBufferedPaintImpl impl mi buffered paint support CBufferedPaintWindowImpl impl window with buffered paint CBufferedAnimation as-is buffered animation CBufferedAnimationImpl impl mi buffered animation support CBufferedAnimationWindowImpl impl window with buffered animation

Edit and RichEdit Find/Replace support CEditFindReplaceImplBase base CEditFindReplaceImpl mi Edit Find/Replace support CRichEditFindReplaceImpl mi RichEdit Find/Replace support

Printing support CPrinterInfo as-is print info support CPrinter client printer handle wrapper CDevMode client DEVMODE wrapper CPrinterDC client printing DC support CPrintJobInfo client print job info CPrintJob client print job support CPrintPreview mi print preview support CPrintPreviewWindowImpl impl print preview window CPrintPreviewWindow as-is CZoomPrintPreviewWindowImpl impl zooming print preview window CZoomPrintPreviewWindow as-is

Miscellaneous CSize as-is WTL port of MFC's CSize CPoint as-is WTL port of MFC's CPoint CRect as-is WTL port of MFC's CRect CString as-is WTL port of MFC's CString CWinDataExchange mi data exchange for controls CRecentDocumentList mi or as-is support for MRU list CFindFile as-is file search support

In-memory dialog CDialogBaseUnits helper dialog units helper CMemDlgTemplate as-is In-memory dialog template CIndirectDialogImpl impl In-memory dialog class

Task dialog CTaskDialogImpl impl Task Dialog in Vista CTaskDialog as-is

DWM classes CDwm client DWM handle warapper CDwmImpl impl base DWM support CDwmWindow impl DWM window support CDwmThumbnail client DWM thumbnail wrapper CAeroControlImpl impl support for Aero controls

Ribbon classes CRibbonUpdateUI mi base automatic mapping of ribbon UI elements RibbonUI::CtrlImpl base impl base class for all ribbon controls RibbonUI::CommandCtrlImpl base impl base class for ribbon controls RibbonUI::CollectionImplBase base base class for all RibbonUI collections RibbonUI::CollectionImpl impl RibbonUI collections RibbonUI::CollectionCtrlImpl impl specializable class for ribbon collection controls RibbonUI::ToolbarGalleryCtrlImpl base impl base class for ribbon toolbar gallery controls RibbonUI::CRibbonImpl impl Ribbon implementation class CRibbonFrameWindowImplBase base base frame class for Ribbon CRibbonFrameWindowImpl impl Ribbon frame window class CRibbonMDIFrameWindowImpl impl Ribbon MDI frame window class CRibbonPersist as-is Ribbon persistance support

Windows CE support CStdDialogBase base standard dialog base class CStdDialogImpl impl standard dialog implementation CStdSimpleDialog as-is standard simple dialog CStdDialogResizeBase base orientation aware standard dialog base class CStdDialogResizeImpl impl orientation aware standard dialog implementation CStdSimpleDialogResizeImpl impl standard resizing simple dialog implementation CStdOrientedDialogBase base oriented dialog base class CStdOrientedDialogImpl impl oriented dialog implementation CStdSimpleOrientedDialog as-is standard simple oriented dialog CAppInfoBase base application state save/restore to registry CAppInfoT impl CAppInfoBase constructed from a CAppWindow CAppWindow<> mi PPC/SmartPhone well-behaved application window class CAppDialog mi PPC/SmartPhone well-behaved application non-modal dialog class CAppStdDialogImpl impl PPC/SmartPhone implementation of non-modal standard dialog application CFullScreenFrame impl Full screen frame class CZoomScrollImpl mi WinCE zooming implementation CHtmlCtrl client HTML control CRichInkCtrl client RichInk control CInkXCtrl client InkX control CVoiceRecorderCtrl client VoiceRecorder control CDocListCtrl client DocList control CCapEdit client CapEdit control CTTStatic client TT Static control CTTButton client TT Button control CSpinCtrl client Spin control CSpinListBox client Spin List Box control CExpandListBox client Expand List Box control CExpandEdit client Expand Edit control CExpandCapEdit client Expand CapEdit control

ATL/WTL AppWizard

ATL/WTL AppWizard generates starting code for a WTL application. It has options to create code for different application types and features.

You can choose the following options: Application type (SDI, multi thread SDI, MDI, TabView, Explorer, dialog based) Support for hosting ActiveX controls COM server support Class implementation in .CPP files Common Control manifest Unicode character set Toolbar, rebar, command bar, status bar View window, and it's type (generic, dialog based form, or a list box, edit, list view, tree view, rich edit based, HTML page, scroll window) For dialog based apps or a form based view window - support for hosting ActiveX controls in the dialog

ATL/WTL AppWizard supports VC++ .NET 2002 and 2003, VC++ 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015.

Support for Windows CE

WTL fully supports building projects for the Windows CE platforms. The initial support for Windows CE was implemented primarily for eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 with Pocket PC 2003 and SmartPhone 2003 SDKs. However, it can be used with other versions and configurations. For instance, Standard SDK 4.1 or 5.0 is supported as well. Considerable effort was made to provide the best Windows CE support, however, there might be some limitations because different platforms provide different programming support. SmartDevice projects with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 are also supported, and it also includes an AppWizard for VS2005 and VS2008.

The support for Windows CE was not designed to port projects for the desktop version of Windows as-is to the Windows CE platforms, but to allow use of the same library, WTL, for both desktop Windows and Windows CE. Applications for Windows CE are often designed in a different way, and they use different platform services. WTL depends on the version of ATL provided with each Windows CE platform, and supports controls and services that are appropriate and supported for each Windows CE platform.

Support for Visual C++ Express

Note: Visual Studio Express is not the only or the best free development environment any more - Visual Studio Community provides a complete release of Visual Studio for free.

WTL supports using Visual C++ Express Edition to build projects. Since Visual C++ Express ships without ATL, you have to use a version of ATL that ships with Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 or Platform SDK (Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK).

Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 contains ATL version 8, while Platform SDK has ATL version 3. We recomend ATL from Windows Driver Kit since it is newer and better version. However, you can still use ATL from Platform SDK since WTL still fully supports ATL3.

The WTL App Wizard can be installed by running AppWiz\setup.js program. The App Wizard generates code in the stdafx.h file that allows use of ATL. That code is used if _WTL_SUPPORT_EXTERNAL_ATL is defined, so you can comment the line in stdafx.h that defines _WTL_SUPPORT_EXTERNAL_ATL to use the project with different versions of Visual C++ or ATL.

Note that Release builds might generate some warnings, since ATL3 from Platform SDK is an old version of ATL which doesn't quite match the newer compiler and CRT files. You can ignore those warnings, as they do not indicate any real problems with the code.

Supported VC++ versions: VC++ 2005 Express VC++ 2008 Express VC++ 2010 Express VC++ Express 2012 for Windows Desktop VC++ Express 2013 for Windows Desktop VC++ Express 2015 for Windows Desktop

Supported ATL versions: from Platform SDK (ATL 3) from Windows Driver Kit (ATL 8)

Download Links: Visual Studio Community 2013 and 2015 Visual Studio Express 2013 and 2015 for Windows Desktop Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop

       Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0

Older versions are not avilable for download any more. If you already have them, you can use them as descibed here.


~ WTL provides several classes that are also present in ATL 7.0 and 7.1. The classes are: CSize, CPoint, CRect, and CString in atlmisc.h. While their existence will not cause any problems, their usage might. You should qualify the class you want to use with a namespace to resolve ambiguity, either ATL or WTL namespace, depending on which implementation you want to use. Alternatively, you can conditionally exclude WTL implementations, by defining preprocessor symbol _WTL_NO_WTYPES for CSize, CPoint, and CRect; and _WTL_NO_CSTRING for CString.

~ If you use WTL 9.0 with VC++ 6.0/ATL 3.0 and define _ATL_STATIC_REGISTRY, you'll get errors referring to the ambiguous symbol ATL. This is caused by a bug in ATL 3.0 - in atlbase.h, the file statreg.h is included inside of the ATL namespace, and it contains another namespace ATL declaration. Because of that, the compiler cannot decide between ATL:: and ATL::ATL:: namespaces. The solution is either to fix the atlbase.h, or to surround atlbase.h include declaration with following statements:

#define ATL   ATLFIX
#include <atlapp.h>
#undef ATL
namespace ATL = ::ATLFIX;

~ Windows XP allows applications to use Common Controls version 6, which supports only Unicode applications. While WTL allows creation of Ansi applications that use Common Controls 6, that should be used only for test programs and is not recommended or supported for released projects. If you want to use Common Controls 6, build your application as Unicode.

~ If you build your app that hosts ActiveX controls with VC++ 7.x, you can see this assert failing:

!InlineIsEqualGUID(*m_plibid, GUID_NULL) && "Did you forget to pass the LIBID to CComModule::Init?"

There are two ways to fix this: In the main .CPP file of your project, replace the line hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance); with this one hRes = _Module.Init(NULL, hInstance, &LIBID_ATLLib);

Compile you project with _ATL_DLL defined (dynamic link to ATL) ~ Several of the sample programs included with WTL were extended to support building for Windows CE. These samples are not specially redesigned for Windows CE, but just modified to allow you to compile and run them on the Windows CE platforms. The samples are: BmpView, GuidGen, and MTPad.

~ WTL supports building projects with EVC++ 3.0 only for Pocket PC and Pocket PC 2002 platforms, as other platforms don't provide minimum support for ATL or other required libraries.

~ The old AppWizards for VC++ 6.0 and eVC++ 4.0/3.0 are not included in this version of WTL because they cannot be a part of an Open Source project. They are still available in the previous release, WTL 7.1.

~ Visual Studio 2012 and higher use default subsystem version 6.0 (Windows Vista). Previous versions of Visual Studio used 5.01 (Windows XP). That means that applications built with Visual Studio 2012 and higher cannot run on Windows XP. Attempting to run would result in an error that it is not a valid Win32 application. If you want to run your applications on Windows XP, you need to change subsystem version to 5.01. You can do that by going to Project Properties -> Linker -> System -> Minimum Required Version, and entering 5.01 as a value.

Changes Between WTL 9.1 and 9.0

New and improved: Full compatibility with VS2015 NuGet support and package Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) New sample: MemDlg - demonstrates use of in-memory dialogs

Fixes and enhancements: Fixes for code analysis warnings Fixes for strict const-qualification conformance (/Zc:strictStrings) CEditFindReplaceImpl::UseShadowBuffer(): Use AtlGetCommCtrlVersion() instead of GetProcAddress() Misc improvements: missing initialization, undefined messages, better #ifdefs CFrameWndClassInfo: Use GetSystemMetrics() for icon sizes BEGIN_MSG_MAP_EX and BEGIN_DDX_MAP: Fix for C4555: expression has no effect CResource::LoadEx(): Fix for the wrong order for parameters to ::FindResourceEx() CPaneContainerImpl: New extended styles: PANECNT_DIVIDER and PANECNT_GRADIENT Fixed background drawing for close button CImageListManaged: Fix for assert when using attach or operator = WTLExplorer sample cleanup GenericWndClass::Register(): Fix for Windows CE App Wizard: Improved code for generating project configurations CSplitterImpl::OnCaptureChanged(): Fixed so it moves splitter bar only if move was in progress CDynamicUpdateUI::UIRemoveUpdateElement() leaks memory if UPDUI_TEXT is set CToolInfo and CToolTipCtrl: nIDTool argument should be UINT_PTR instead of UINT CSplitterImpl: Added GetSplitterPosPct() CCommandBarCtrlImpl: Fixed incorrect use of m_wndParent when AttachToWindow() is used

Changes Between WTL 9.0 and 8.0

New and improved: Full compatibility with VS2008, VS2010, VS2012, and VS2013 New CRegKeyEx class for uniform support for registry New MinCrtHelper functions for uniform support for _ATL_MIN_CRT New DWM classes in atldwm.h New Ribbon classes in atlribbon.h New CDialogBaseUnits class Extended DDX support to TabCtrl, ComboBox, ListBox and ListView selection index Improved font handling in CHyperLink, CPaneContainer, CTabView CHyperlink: Added options for auto-create link font and single-line mode CBitmapButtonImpl: Added checked state, GetCheck()/SetCheck(), and check mode extended styles UpdateUI: Added support for radio menu items for popup menus Added support for new VersionHelpers.h in WinSDK 8.1 - GetVersionEx() is now deprecated Improved global support for old SDK headers, and for original headers in VC6 and VC7.x Global support for builds with NOMINMAX defined Global support for builds with STRICT_TYPED_ITEMIDS defined Global support for builds with _ATL_ALL_USER_WARNINGS defined Splitter Window: Added keyboard handling Added default position for splitter bar Changed orientation from template argument to data member to reduce memory use Added SPLIT_GRADIENTBAR and SPLIT_FIXEDBARSIZE extended styles Added CImageListManaged to manage the lifetime of wrapped image list Added Vista standard menu bar look option for Command bar Added new Rich Edit wrappers for _RICHEDIT_VER >= 0x0800 Added new Win8 methods to Theme classes Added override of SubclassWindow() to CSplitterWindowImpl, CPaneContainerImpl, CTabViewImpl, CScrollImpl, CMapScrollImpl, CZoomScrollImpl, and CScrollContainerImpl CZoomScrollImpl: Added zoom child windows option Added zoom scale max limit AppWizard: Support for VS2008, VS2010, VS2012, and VS2013 New universal setup for all versions of Visual Studio Support for ribbon control Updated samples and added VS2005 project files New sample: MTPad7 - demonstrates Ribbon UI

Fixes and enhancements: General: Fixed security warning for _vstprintf in atlapp.h Added RunTimeHelper::IsThemeAvailable that detects if themes can be used in the app VS2012: DLL version functions are defined as they are removed from ATL11 Added CWndProcThunk initialization for _ATL_VER >= 0x0800 Added RunTimeHelper::SizeOf_TOOLINFO() for different Windows versions at runtime Added AtlCreateControlFont()

Controls: Extended CListViewCtrl::SelectItem() to multi-selection list view controls Added another variant of CListViewCtrl::FindItem for strings Added new CToolBarCtrl methods - InsertSeparator() and AddSeparator() Added CToolBarCtrl::GetItemDropDownRect() Added another variant of CToolTipCtrl::TrackActivate()

Cracked Handlers: Fixed handlers with menu arguments Fixed MSG_WM_SYSCOMMAND handler Added MSG_WM_MOUSEHWHEEL handler

App Wizard: Fix for TabView project code generation Improved generated code for VC++ Express to support various versions of ATL Fix for missing UIUpdateChildWindows() in dialog projects

App Wizard CE / App Wizard Mobile: Updated AppWizCE for VS2008 - used different CLSID for Platforms object Fix: VS2008 uses _SECURE_ATL code only Fix for resource creation failure

Misc: Fix: CLogFont uses ::GetDeviceCaps with wrong default hDC = NULL Fixed CPen::GetExtLogPen Fixed CFrameWindowImpl::OnToolTipText*() handlers not to reset text buffer Added support for chevron menus for multi-line toolbars Fix: CFileDialog(false) fails on Windows Mobile 5 or 6 Fix: CFolderDialog::SetOKText should use lParam for string Added CFolderDialog::SetPidlRoot() Fixed CMemDlgTemplate::AddControl Added option to disable item dragging in CTabViewImpl Fixed CTabView::ShowTabControl(false) and UpdateLayout() to hide empty space CTabView: Fixed value of the active page when inserting pages before it PaneContainer: Added support for vertical title bar text atlsplit.h: Added missing support for WM_PRINTCLIENT Fix: CScrollImpl should not scroll horizontally if not needed Fixed CScrollImpl::ScrollToView() to use offset correctly Fixed CPrintDialogExImpl::GetDefaults() atltheme.h: Added CBufferedAnimation::StopAllAnimations() Added support for I64 format to CString::Format() Fix: CStdIndirectDialogImpl - DLGTEMPLATEEX not supported on Mobile devices Fix: Missing CRichInkCtrlT::SetSel(), added CRichInkCtrlT::Undo()

Changes Between WTL 8.0 and 7.5

New and improved: RunTimeHelper functions for correct struct sizes on different versions of Windows ModuleHelper functions for uniform support of ATL3 and ATL7 module classes SecureHelper functions for support of secure and non-secure run-time functions Support for new Vista features: Support for new messages for common controls, dialogs, etc. Support for TaskDialog New Shell file dialogs (IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog) New Aero Wizard support classes New classes for Buffered Paint and Buffered Animation New TabView classes New dialog class that uses in-memory dialog templates New CMultiFileDialogImpl and CMultiFileDialog classes that support multi-select file dialogs Added message cracker handler prototypes for all handlers Replaced use of _alloca with CTempBuffer everywhere (and added CTempBuffer version for ATL3) New classes for find/replace support for Edit or RichEdit New class CFileDialogEx that supports GetOpenFileNameEx for Windows Mobile 5 New features for the App Wizard: New default version values Unicode build option Support for TabView applications Support for Explorer applications Updates for the desktop App Wizard: Added calls to set font for views based on controls that use font Added scroll window as another view type Support for VC2005 Express: Setup for VS2005x Changes in default.js to take into account that VC2005x does not have a resource editor Generated code allows use of ATL3 from the Platform SDK New AppWizard for Mobile 2003 and 2005 platforms New samples: Aero - demonstrates the Vista Glass UI MiniPie - Windows Mobile 2005 PPC and Smartphone sample TabBrowser - a web browser using TabView class MTPad sample updated to show usage of CRichEditFindReplaceImpl and CEditCommands/CRichEditCommands

Fixes and enhancements: Command Bar: Added support for menu items with bitmaps on Vista Fix: Keyboard cues shown even if the window is disabled

CFolderDialog: Added support for PIDLs in addition to the file path Replaced use of SHGetMalloc with CoTaskMemFree

Scroll Windows: Fix: CZoomScrollImpl - some methods should be overridable Added support for WM_MOUSEHWHEEL in CScrollImpl

App Wizard: Fix: AppWizard fails to add files if C:\Temp does not exist Fix: App Wizard generates security warning when loaded Fix: App Wizard generates level 4 warning for modal dlg project Fix: App Wizard setupXX.js scripts silently fail on Vista Fix: Added code to unregister message filer and idle processing Fix: Added WS_CLIPSIBLINGS to dialog forms to avoid rebar drawing problems

App Wizard CE: Fix: App Wizard CE should not have rich edit as a view option Fix: App Wizard CE generates level 4 warnings for single instance apps Added support for Windows Mobile 6 SDKs

Cracked Handlers: Fix: Corrected MSG_WM_TIMER and handler prototype, removed unused argument (breaking change) Fix: atlcrack.h does not support WTL namespace

CDialogResize: Added SetIcon(NULL, FALSE) for CDialogResize to remove the generic icon for resizable dialogs Fix: Enabled size/move for both X and Y Added center flags for controls

CFrameWindowImpl: Fix: Const issue with title argument of AddSimpleReBarBand Fix: DECLARE_FRAME_WND_CLASS definition missing WTL namespace

Windows CE: Fix: Some symbols not defined for CE 4.0 Fix: Incorrect WinCE exclusions Fix: Pocket PC - assert after navigating a CHyperLink Fix: Property sheet with listview on WM5.0 causes stack overflow Fix: CFindFile::GetFilePath() fails on diskless root requests Fix: VS 2005 dialog editor bug - DS_FIXEDSYS used but not defined Fix: Windows Mobile 2005 compatibility issues Fix: CFullScreenFrame on Smartphone 20003 Fix: SmartPhone back key handling in CAppWindow Added orientation aware support to CAppStdDialogImpl Added CAxDialogImpl base for CStdDialogImpl, CStdDialogResizeImpl and CStdOrientedDialogImpl Added various CStdDialogxxx enhancements Fix: CStdDialogBase does not scale dialog title on VGA Fix: DIBINFO16 triggers code analysis warning Added LPCTSTR AtlLoadString(UINT uID) - CE only overload Added imaging draw support to CZoomScrollImpl Added CBottomTabViewImpl and CBottomTabView classes for PPC

CFindFile: Fix: CFindFile class uses CRT functions Fix: FindFile() uses lstrcpy without checking length

General: Fix: Adding ReBar bands fails with new Windows SDK Added support for relative include paths Fix: Using std::min and std::max Fix: Problems using WTL with MFC Improved support for Secure CRT Changed implementation of CSize, CPoint, CRect, and CString to be inside class definitions atltheme.h: Corrected method signatures for differences in uxtheme.h versions Replaced malloc/free with new/delete where appropriate

Misc: Fix: CString::FormatV can cause GPF with Unicode strings CHyperLink: Added handler for WM_SIZE Fix: CTheme needs constructor from HTHEME handle Added Add* methods to several control classes in atlctrls.h to augment Insert* methods Fix: Incorrect casting in CRichEditCtrl::GetLine() Fix: CTreeViewCtrl::GetItemState changed to return only state-bits as specified by mask Fix: CBitmapButton::DoPaint - wrong button image Added another variant of CDCT::Drawtext with LPTSTR argument that allows text change Fix: CRecentDocumentListBase::AddToList() uses lstrcpy Fix: AtlLoadString(uID, lpBuffer, nBufferMax) has unnecessary code Fix: CCursor::LoadOEMCursor asserts on IDC_HAND Fix: Memory leak when using CRT functions while printing Fix: Undefined CString namespace CPaneContainer: Added border styles CSplitterImpl: Added SetSplitterPosPct, and changed App Wizard code to use it

Changes Between WTL 7.5 and 7.1

New and improved: VS2005 Compatibility: Added support for Visual Studio 2005 - both desktop and Windows CE Classes for icons, cursors, accelerator tables CSortListViewImpl, CSortListViewCtrlImpl, and CSortListViewCtrl classes Impl classes for Wizard 97 style wizards: CWizard97Sheet, CWizard97Page, CWizard97ExteriorPage, CWizard97InteriorPage CMemoryDC and CDoubleBufferWindowImpl classes Windows CE specific classes in new header, atlwince.h CScrollContainer class CZoomScrollImpl and CZoomScrollWindowImpl classes CZoomPrintPreviewWindowImpl and CZoomPrintPreviewWindow classes Global functions: AtlGetBitmapResourceInfo, AtlGetBitmapResourceBitsPerPixel New REFLECT_* macros to enable selective reflection of messages App Wizard: Added App Wizard for VS2005 App Wizard: Added App Wizard for Windows CE for VS2005 New samples: WTLExplorer, ImageView, SPControls

Fixes and enhancements: Command Bar: DrawBitmapDisabled() doesn't work correctly on Longhorn Submenu size not correct if command bar is off-screen Added handler for WM_SETTINGCHANGE to improve theme color changes Better support for 8/16/24-bit images Command Bar with 2 Levels of submenus remains active Hook procedure fails to call next hook OnDestroy() should not decrement hook use if AttachToWindow() is used

MDI Command Bar: Grows bigger if you switch between two maximized MDI child window types Move all hook messages processing to a separate function and use pT MDI icon & buttons should have themed background Should make MDI buttons gray when inactive

CString: Helper functions not overloaded properly Some return types are 'const CString&' and could be just 'CString&' FormatV() passes size in characters to _alloca, should be in bytes Fixed stack corruption in FormatV() Improved boundaries checking for integer overflows/underflows

CScrollImpl: Scroll bars problem when changing range SetScrollOffset() doesn't move child windows Range and thumb drawing problems Possible overflow in OnMouseWheel() Support for SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL Added ScrollToView methods

CMapScrollImpl: SetScrollSize() incorrectly inverts xMin and xMax SetScrollSize() uses bRedraw = NULL

CTheme: GetThemeFont() bad parameter ordering Uses LOGFONT and TEXTMETRIC incorrectly (SDK header problem)

CFrameWindowImpl: Improved sizing for Windows CE CreateSimpleToolBarCtrl() should handle 24-bit bitmaps Changed WinCE CCECommandBarCtrl typedef and added a PPC CMenuBarCtrl UpdatesBarPosition() doesn't take Windows CE command bar into account

CDialogResize: Enabled use for Windows CE Add WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME to prevent empty icon

CReBarCtrl: Background not painted when resized Fixed typo in LockBands() MaximizeBand needs BOOL fIdeal argument

CRichEdit: GetSelText() should support UNICODE strings GetSelText() uses lpstr instead of lpstrText

CHyperLink: Added _xttoi() helper to avoid CRT in _ATL_MIN_CRT Fixed resource leak by destroying tooltip window

CPropertySheetImpl: Improved support for Windows CE Sheet without title generates a memory fault on Windows CE

CFolderDialog: Add a way to set an initial folder Uses BFFM_IUNKNOWN which is not always defined

Update UI: Add support to dynamically add UpdateUI elements UIUpdateMenuBarElement() should use EnableMenu() instead of SetMenuItemInfo() for Windows CE

CDC: FillSolidRect() should restore background color GetClipRgn() method missing

Printing: CPrinter::CreatePrinterDC() and CreatePrinterIC() members should be const CDevMode::CopyToHDEVMODE() is missing a call to GlobalUnlock()

AppWizard: Use WTL subfolder to create WTL category for VC7.x and VC8 Rename files from WTLApp7x to WTLAppWiz, and add VS2005 setup file Fixed setup for x64

General: Redefinition of _MAX_FNAME with Dinkumware Standard C++ Library on Windows CE Added ATLVERIFY macro for ATL3 Support warning level 4 Missing methods CToolBarCtrl::SetButtonInfo, InsertButton, CTabCtrl::SetItem, CComboBoxEx::InsertItem, SetItem Missing support for WM_PRINTCLIENT Removed usage of IsBad* functions Fixed various compiler warnings TCHAR bugs in various files Improved Windows CE support and changes for Visual Studio 2005

Misc: CMDIChildWindowImpl: HMENU should be destroyed in OnDestroy() CStatic: Should use STM_SETIMAGE instead of STM_SETICON for SetIcon() on Windows CE CButton: GetButtonStyle() uses wrong mask CImageList: Made Duplicate() method const CListViewCtrl: Made SubItemHitTest() method const CTreeViewCtrl: GetItem() and SetItem() incorrectly restricted to _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 CMonthCalendarCtrl: GetMonthRange() should be GetMaxTodayWidth() CDateTimePickerCtrl: SetFormat() should have const argument CBitmapButtonImpl: Fixed resource leak by destroying tooltip window CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrlImpl: Cannot handle wide panes without resource strings CCheckListViewCtrlImpl: Call CheckSelectedItems() through pT CPaneContainerImpl: SetPaneContainerExtendedStyle() should use pT to call CalcSize() CFindFile: Enabled for Windows CE CPropertyPageImpl: Added handlers for callback messages atlcrack.h: Added return value for MSG_WM_APPCOMMAND CMenu: New method variants: AppendMenu, InsterMenu, ModifyMenu CFont: Added arguments for bold and italic to CreatePointFont() CSize: Added scalar operators for WTL::CSize and ATL::CSize CRecentDocumentList: Allow changing the "DocumentCount" and "Document%i" registry values strings CSplitterWindowImpl: Enabled use for Windows CE

Changes Between WTL 7.1 and 7.0

New and improved: VC7 Compatibility: Support for ATL7 Module classes and critical sections and AppWizard setup for VC++ 7.1 Windows CE Support: Full compatibility with Windows CE platforms and AppWizard for eMbedded Visual C++ Namespace Support: Automatic "using ATL" (ATL7 only) or "using WTL" can now be turned off CHyperLink New Features: not underlined, underlined when hover, command button, link tags CCustomWaitCursor class supports custom and animated wait cursors AtlCreateBoldFont() for creating bold version of an existing font

Fixes and enhancements: CFrameWindowImpl: CreateSimpleToolBarCtrl() - remove dead code, improve error checking, add a global function that uses it Fix - PrepareChevronMenu() fails to get toolbar strings for Unicode CFrameWindowImplBase::Create() - improve ASSERT not to use m_hWnd if creation fails Fix - CFrameWndClassInfo::Register - should use %p formatting only for _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 or for _WIN64 Fix - Chevron menus not positioned correctly with RTL Fix - CMDIChildWindowImpl: Problems creating maximized child windows and handling focus Fix - CMDIChildWindowImpl: Should activate on WM_MOUSEACTIVATE

UpdateUI: Fix - Incorrectly clears default item from the system menu in MDI apps Added UISetCheck with bool instead of int for the check state

DDX: Fix - Doesn't provide a way to change floating point precision Added DDX_CONTROL_HANDLE for non-CWindowImpl objects Added DDX_Check variant with bool instead of int for the check state

Command Bar: Fix - OnDrawItem() and OnMeasureItem() don't do a good check for owner-draw menu items Fix - Disabled 32-bit images not painted correctly in 3D menu mode Fix - Popup menus not positioned correctly with RTL Fix - Uses GCL_HICONSM instead of GCLP_HICONSM with GetClassLongPtr()

MDI Command Bar: Fix - Doesn't refresh icon if MDI children are different OnAllHookMessages() - improve code to handle MDI child window class icon Fix - OnNcLButtonDown() uses TPM_VERPOSANIMATION without checking Windows version Fix - Maximized MDI buttons in wrong place for RTL Should adjust cxIdeal for rebar bands for IE4 Add support for different top-level menu widths by handling ideal size for rebar bands

AppWizard: Fix - Doesn't support MSDI application as a COM Server Fix - MDI with Form View - stack overflow closing maximized MDI child windows Fix - Generates VERSION resource name 'test1' regardless of the project name Fix - Dialog project with control hosting doesn't derive a dialog from CAxDialogImpl Fix - COM Server doesn't register type library Fix - COM Server doesn't register AppID properly

CTreeViewCtrl: Fix - GetItemData() needs better return value Fix - GetItemState() should use TVM_GETITEMSTATE instead of TVM_GETITEM for IE5 GetItem() and SetItem() - added new variants that use TVITEMEX Fix - SortChildren() should add recurse flag argument Fix - CTreeItem doesn't support CTreeViewCtrlExT that has different TBase than CWindow

CThemeImpl: Fix - Uses scalar delete instead of the vector one Fix - EnableThemeDialogTexture() argument is BOOL instead of DWORD

CFolderDialog: Fix - EnableOK() passes wrong arguments to BFFM_ENABLEOK Fix - Always clears m_hWnd, which causes problem for nested messages

CDialogResize: Fix - DlgResize_Init() forces dialog to be visible by using SetRedraw() Forcing WS_THICKFRAME is not enough to make dialog resizable Min track size should be used for child dialogs as well Fix - DlgResize_PositionControl() incorrectly checks return value from MapWindowPoints()

CAppModule: Fix - CAppModule methods not thread-safe Fix - AddSettingChangeNotify() unusable in multithreaded apps because of delayed initialization

CString: Fix - Delete() doesn't allow deleting more than the length of the string Fix - Append() can cause buffer overrun Fix - MakeReverse() can cause an infinite loop Fix - _cstrstr() unnecessarily inefficient Fix - FindOneOf() is not DBCS-aware Fix - Format() does not recognize %E Fix - TrimLeft() and TrimRight() are only half-way DBCS-aware Fix - May cause assertions or undefined behavior with SBCS

CRecentDocumentList: Fix - SetMaxEntries() has an incorrect ASSERT Add CString variant of the GetFromList() method Add a way to replace command IDs used for the MRU list Add a way to replace registry key name

Misc: CMessageLoop::Run() - improve the loop by checking bDoIdle before calling PeekMessage() CServerAppModule: Clean-up unused code Fix - CServerAppModule::MonitorProc() - no need to call _endthreadex() Fix - CListBox::GetText() and CComboBox::GetLBText() (CString variants) don't check for LBERR/CB_ERR Fix - CAxPropertyPageImpl doesn't create ActiveX controls with ATL7 Fix - CDC::GetTextExtentExPoint() missing CDC::SetWindowExt() should have default value NULL for the lpSizeRet argument Fix - CPropertySheetWindow missing methods for PSM_INSERTPAGE, PSM_SETHEADERTITLE, and PSM_SETHEADERSUBTITLE; AddPage should return BOOL Fix - CMapScrollImpl::SetScrollSize() uses wrong variable Fix - CHyperLink: WM_UPDATEUISTATE causes repaint without WM_PAINT Fix - CUpDownCtrl::GetPos() returns incorrect value Fix - CUpDownCtrl::GetPos32() doesn't have default arg value Fix - CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrl: Always uses size grip for positioning panes Fix - CTabCtrl::InsertItem() should return int, not BOOL CReBarCtrl: Added LockBands() method Fix - CFont: uninitialized variable passed to DPtoLP Fix - CPrintDialogImpl: Crash when displaying Print Setup dialog Fix - CPageSetupDialogImpl::PaintHookProc() - should use T* and return UINT_PTR instead of UINT Fix - CPrintJob doesn't support printing to a file Fix - CSplitterImpl: Doesn't handle WM_CAPTURECHANGED - can get in an invalid state CRichEditCtrl: Add method for EM_SETTABSTOPS Fix - CFindFile::GetFilePath() checks for a trailing slash, but doesn't use that info

General: Fix - Problems compiling with /Zc:forScope ('for' loop scope conformance) Use named constants instead of values for pixel sizes, buffer lengths, etc. Support building with Managed C++ (/CLR) CMenuItemInfo - add run-time support for different versions of Windows CommCtrl.h change - additional fields in IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS now depend on _WIN32_IE instead of _WIN32_WINNT Fix - Incorrect usage of CRegKey::QueryStringValue() Fix - Operator = for GDI and USER wrappers leaks handle if it's managed variant Fix - GDI and USER wrappers break under self-assignments Fix - Chaining messages with cracked handlers broken with ATL7 Initialize all variables and structures prior to use Use new common control struct names

Changes Between WTL 7.0 and 3.1

New classes and features: Support for new Common Controls v6 messages Support for Visual Studio .NET and ATL 7.0 WTLApp70 - new AppWizard for Visual Studio .NET CThemeImpl - implements support for Windows XP themes CMDICommandBarCtrl - implements Command Bar for MDI applications

Fixes and enhancements: Command Bar: Bogus assert in OnDestroy Check marks can be truncated in large font settings Use pT to access GetSystemSettings, DrawMenuText, DrawBitmapDisabled, Draw3DCheckmark, DoPopupMenu, DoTrackPopupMenu, TakeFocus, GiveFocusBack, so they can be overridden No hot-tracking if main window is not active Top level items not painted inactive if app looses activation while drop down menu is displayed Added Windows XP flat menus support Drop-down menu doesn't close if clicked again (Windows XP only) Menu item text and accelerator text too close with some settings Keyboard can still access clipped menu items Added support for hiding keyboard navigation indicators until Alt key is pressed (system setting) Added AddIcon and ReplaceIcon variants for icon resources Image size calculated differently in different places Add support for 32-bit (alpha channel) bitmaps for Windows XP Fixed width calculation for default menu items

CFrameWindowImpl: AddSimpleReBarBandCtrl sets toolbar extended styles without preserving old ones PrepareChevronMenu should not create menu items for buttons with TBSTATE_HIDDEN TPM_VERPOSANIMATION will not be defined in atlframe.h if atlctrlw.h is included first CreateSimpleToolBarCtrl - height might be too small if large font is used PrepareChevronMenu uses TB_GETBUTTONTEXT, better use TB_GETBUTTONINFO Chevron menu doesn't close if clicked again (Windows XP only) Should check local classes for superclassing Add support for 32-bit (alpha channel) bitmaps for Windows XP

Update UI: UISetText can clear other menu item flags CUpdateUI::UIUpdateState assigns value with |= instead of = Added UISetDefault() and fix default state to work with menus

CString: GetBuffer() and GetBufferSetLength() should return NULL in out-of-memory condition Added missing methods: separate c-tors for LPCSTR and LPCWSTR, CollateNoCase, TrimRight and TrimLeft variants, Find variants, moved FormatV to public Fix _IsValidString usage FormatV incorrectly calculates buffer size (too big) Usage of _ttoi causes problems with _ATL_MIN_CRT in VC7

CDC: GetTabbedTextExtent() should return DWORD instead of BOOL Add FillRect() that accept color index instead of a brush handle DrawDragRect() leaks regions and a brush Improved DitherBlt() - added brushes as arguments for used colors Added DrawShadowText() (uses LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress to run on older Windows)

CListViewCtrl: SetItemState should use LVM_SETITEMSTATE SetItemCount should return a BOOL

CRichEditCtrl: Added SetCharFormat() variant that accepts flags (for SCF_ALL) CharFromPos() should pass a pointer to POINTL in lParam GetTextRange() - should add Unicode variant for rich edit version >= 2 Added another FormatRange() that can accept a pointer to FORMATRANGE (needed for passing NULL to clear cache)

CHyperLink: Allow overriding of Navigate and CalcLabelRect Doesn't handle right or center alignment

CColorDialog: Has static variables that were not initialized with _ATL_MIN_CRT Fixed HookProc for ColorOK message - the message is not sent, but the hook proc is called directly

atlcrack.h: MSG_WM_TIMER crack macro should cast to TIMERPROC instead of TIMERPROC* Add cracked handlers for all new messages in Common Controls 6

atlapp.h: Fixed problems with atlTraceUI with ATL7 #ifdefs for ATL7 were in the wrong place

atlctrls.h: Add support in control classes for all new messages in Common Controls 6

CRecentDocumentList: AtlCompactPath corrupts memory if filename is longer than requested compact size ReadFromRegistry incorrectly checks for error when reading from registry

CSplitterWindow: Incorrect calculation of middle position 3D border now drawn only if WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE is set

Printing: Uses DWORD instead of an int for a job ID CPrintJob::CancelPrintJob shouldn't have a return value

Misc: CRegKey::QueryValue and SetValue are deprecated in ATL7 Added direct support for ATL7 Replace ScreenToClient and ClientToScreen with MapWindowPoints to support RTL layout CFindFile::GetFilePath(LPTSTR...) returns path without the file name MDI: Updating client edge in WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING causes minimize/maximize/restore animation problems, use WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED Custom Draw: Added CCustomDraw::OnSubItemPrePaint() overrideable method CFolderDialogImpl uses 'this' for BROWSEINFO.lParam instead of T* CImageList::Destroy shouldn't use Detach() ATL7 has its own AtlLoadString CPropertySheet doesn't close when you press X button Fixed problems for _U_STRINGorID and others that moved from atlbase.h to atlwin.h in ATL7 Add AtlMessageBox() that accepts either in-memory or resource strings CScrollImpl: fixed bug with scrolling child windows CPropertyPageImpl: Add new notification handlers to enable direct return values (use #ifdef _WTL_NEW_PAGE_NOTIFY_HANDLERS to use them) Add AtlInitCommonControls() to simplify use DDX: Fixed usage of the size of char arrays for DDX CPageSetupDialog: changed usage of CWndProcThunk because of changes in ATL7 Fix confusing precedence in expressions Removed forward declarations because default values for template arguments shouldn't be specified in two places (we don't need them anyway) Win64: Fix /Wp64 warnings from 32-bit VC7 compiler caused by SDK headers Fix direct usage of English strings (they can be #defined to something else now) AtlGetCommCtrlVersion not defined if _ATL_DLL is in ATL 3.0 (and CmdBar is using it)

AppWizard: Added manifest for Common Controls 6 Loading Rich Edit DLL should use HMODULE Should not use atlimpl.cpp for ATL7 Added message handler prototypes to generated files VERSION resource always has VALUE "OLESelfRegister" (now only for COM servers) Added option for putting implementation in CPP files d-tor for the thread manager class in MSDI project executed after the heap is destroyed Wrong settings when changing to a dialog project and back (AppWizard 6.0 only) Remove cut/copy/paste accelerators for form view and dialogs projects Fix toolbar bitmaps so they are not transparent (problem with Windows XP flat menus only) Used CMDICommandBarCtrl for MDI apps Add symbols required for VC7 Class Wizard to recognize an ATL project Changed default styles for the rebar, so it does look OK without CmdBar and with manifest Added setup programs for both AppWizards Remove ignored resource attributes: MOVEABLE, PURE, etc. (AppWizard 7.0 only) Add call to DefWindowProc to WinMain to resolve possible problems if MSLU is used

Samples: Updated toolbar bitmaps, added #ifdefs for ATL7, added manifest file for CommCtrl6, qualified _U_RECT with WTL namespace, updated use of deprecated CRegKey functions, added VC7 projects Added Alpha sample

Changes Between WTL 3.1 and 3.0

New classes: CPaneContainer - implements a window that provides a title bar and a close button (like Explorer) CDialogResize - an MI class that allows resizing of dialogs (or any windows with child windows/controls) CAxPropertyPageImpl - implements a property page that can host ActiveX controls

Fixes and enhancements: CServerAppModule now clears m_hEventShutdown to avoid calling CloseHandle twice

CString: operator += now leaves original string intact if it's out of memory Fixed bad DWORD_PTR usage in TrimRight, TrimLeft, Replace, Remove Removed dependencies on CRT for projects that don't use it Insert - fixed string corruption in release builds Added optional floating point formatting (for projects that use CRT)

CEdit and CRichEditCtrl: SetSelAll and SetSelNone had reversed implementation

atlres.h: Changed IDs so that they are compatible with MFC's afxres.h

Command Bar: Added LoadMappedImages() Changed handling of left and right arrow keys so that they don't close context menus Add code to handle left/right arrow keys correctly on mirrored (RTL) systems Removed handler that eats parent window's WM_SETTINGCHANGE Fixed bitmap resource leak in Draw3DCheckmark Fixed incorrect usage of CharLower in OnMenuChar Fixed wrong color for the disabled items in hi-contrast mode Added code to gray menu items if main window is inactive Fixed keyboard mnemonic handling for IE 4 Fixed hook problems with multiple cmdbars in the same thread Added support for radio menu items Added support for disabled top-level menu items (also added in CFrameWindowImpl::PrepareChevronMenu) Added keyboard shortcut (Alt+/) to invoke chevron menu Added support to override menu item length in a derived class

CBitmapButton: Bypassed BUTTON DefWindowProc for hover style so that the button doesn't take focus Added BMPBTN_AUTOFIRE extended style

CDC: Added _WTL_FORWARD_DECLARE_CSTRING define to allow usage of methods that accept CString Fixed errors in GetTextFace and GetMenuItemString Added GetCharWidth32 Added DrawIconEx method

CMenu: Implement following missing methods: GetMenuDefaultItem GetMenuInfo GetMenuItemRect HiliteMenuItem IsMenu MenuItemFromPoint SetMenuDefaultItem SetMenuInfo GetMenuString - fixed to include space for terminating NULL character in returning string

GDI and USER classes should destroy the GDI/USER objects in Attach if GDI/USER resource is managed

CFrameWindowImpl: OnToolTipText shouldn't save tool tip text if it's not for a menu AddSimpleReBarBandCtrl now adds chevron style only for toolbars with buttons AddSimpleReBarBand(Ctrl) - calc band ID if not specified

CRecentDocumentList: Fix - UpdateMenu deletes wrong menu item when the list is empty Added code to allow restricting the number of characters displayed by MRU menu items

Update UI: Added support for blocking accelerators for disabled items Improved search code assuming there are no duplicate entries (and added checks for duplicates)

CSplitterWindow: CSplitterWindowImpl should derive from CSplitterImpl<T , t_bVertical> to allow overriding of methods Added single pane mode and SetSinglePaneMode/GetSinglePaneMode Added right/bottom aligned resize mode using extended styles SPLIT_RIGHTALIGNED/SPLIT_BOTTOMALIGNED


Win64: Dialog return value should use DWLP_MSGRESULT and SetWindowLongPtr CMenu::InsertMenu, AppendMenu, ModifyMenu should have UINT_PTR for the menu ID Added appropriate type casts CFrameWindowImpl::m_szAutoName - changed the size to fit the pointer value size CListViewCtrl::SortItems should use LPARAM for user data instead of DWORD

Misc: Added optional mask argument to all methods for setting extended styles CMDIWindow::MDIRestore - fixed to send WM_MDIRESTORE instead of WM_MDIICONARRANGE CListViewCtrl: Added SortItemsEx method CToolBarCtrl::GetButtonInfo - fixed to return int instead of BOOL Added CToolBarCtrl::SetButtonSize and SetBitmapSize that accept cx and cy instead of SIZE Printing: Changed how GetNewDevModeForPage works (comments in code) CFileDialogImpl::_OnTypeChange incorrectly calls pT->OnSelChange instead of pT->OnTypeChange CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrl::GetPaneTipText - fixed to use index instead of and ID internally CWinDataExchange: Added references to arguments of DoDataExchange, so there are no level 4 warning even if the map is empty CPropertySheetWindow: Added new, IE 5.0 specific methods CPropertyPageImpl: Added new, IE 5.0 specific methods

AppWizard: added calls to RemoveMessageFilter and RemoveIdleHandler in CMainFrame::OnDestroy for COM server projects added scroll bars for HTML view CAppServerModule now handles -embedding as well as -automation corrected code in CMainFrame::OnShowToolBar to correctly identify the toolbar in a rebar dialog based app code now derives from CUpdateUI as public