
cloned from git://gitorious.org/qt-hacks/sailfishsdk-ambiance-changer.git

Primary LanguageC++

=== Ambiance changer README ===

== Setting up ambiance changer ==

Ambiance changer requires access to root files. In order to do that, sudo should
be installed. You can install sudo by opening a root shell in the simulator and

zypper install sudo

After that, you will need some specific rules to launch the ambiance changer helper
tool with root rights. In order to make it works, this helper must be able to be 
launched by the app without password. Entering the following in a root shell 
is enough:

echo "nemo ALL= NOPASSWD:/opt/sdk/bin/ambiancechanger-helper" > /etc/sudoers.d/ambiancechanger-helper

If the application complains about test not being passed, please double check if
you have met all the previous requirements.

== Using ambiance changer ==

Ambiance changer is rather a dirty hack and not a beautiful application. It changes
the default background file located in /usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/images/,
remove configuration keys in gconf (/desktop/jolla/background/portrait/home_picture_filename
and /desktop/jolla/background/portrait/app_picture_filename) and restart X in order to tell
lipstick to regenerate a new ambiance.

The application should be pretty straightforward to use. Select the image you want to use 
as an ambiance, and accept the dialog being shown. You should load more images in 
/home/nemo/Pictures via SCP.