This is a repository to showcase InSpec scanning of containers.
- Chef Workstation installed (for the
cli) - Docker installed on your workstation
The included Dockerfile
will create a container image with PostgreSQL installed. To build this:
> docker build -t eg_postgresql .
The postgres-tests
directory contains a simple InSpec profile to test our container. It depends on the DevSec Postgres Baseline (, and includes a selection of controls.
First you need to run your container:
> docker run --rm -P --name pg_test -p 5432:5432 eg_postgresql
Next, open a new terminal and use docker ps
to find your container ID:
> docker ps
b2d0fbbbf6b1 eg_postgresql "/usr/lib/postgresql…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes>5432/tcp pg_test
Finally, execute InSpec tests:
> inspec exec postgres-tests -t docker://<container_id> --input-file inputs.yml
You should see output similar to this:
Profile: InSpec Profile (postgres-tests)
Version: 0.1.0
Target: docker://b2d0fbbbf6b17aca547ec84ba5e7c623f1923dd807f46b014834681ba7112e28
No tests executed.
Profile: DevSec PostgreSQL Baseline (postgres-baseline)
Version: 2.0.4
Target: docker://b2d0fbbbf6b17aca547ec84ba5e7c623f1923dd807f46b014834681ba7112e28
✔ postgres-02: Use stable postgresql version
✔ Command: `psql -V` stdout is expected to match /^psql\s\(PostgreSQL\)\s(9\.[3-6]|10\.5).*/
✔ Command: `psql -V` stdout is expected not to match /RC/
✔ Command: `psql -V` stdout is expected not to match /DEVEL/
✔ Command: `psql -V` stdout is expected not to match /BETA/
✔ postgres-03: Run one postgresql instance per operating system
✔ Processes postgres entries.length is expected to eq 1
✔ postgres-04: Only "c" and "internal" should be used as non-trusted procedural languages
✔ PostgreSQL query: SELECT count (*) FROM pg_language WHERE lanpltrusted = 'f' AND lanname!='internal' AND lanname!='c'; output is expected to eq "0"
× postgres-05: Set a password for each user
× PostgreSQL query: SELECT count(*) FROM pg_shadow WHERE passwd IS NULL; output is expected to eq "0"
expected: "0"
got: "1"
(compared using ==)
✔ postgres-09: The PostgreSQL "data_directory" should be assigned exclusively to the database account (such as "postgres").
✔ Command: `find /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main -user docker -group docker -perm /go=rwx` stdout is expected to eq ""
Profile Summary: 4 successful controls, 1 control failure, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 7 successful, 1 failure, 0 skipped
Don't fear, we can fix the failing test. In the Dockerfile
, uncomment lines 35-36:
RUN /etc/init.d/postgresql start &&\
psql --command "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';"
Rebuild your container image, and run the latest version. The tests should now pass when you execute again.
You will need a running Chef Automate instance for this. First, log in with the inspec
> inspec compliance login https://<AUTOMATE_URL>.com --insecure --user=<USERNAME> --token=<ADMIN_TOKEN> --ent=default
On the Automate dashboard, locate and install the CIS Docker Benchmark Profile
Rename the reporter-example.json
file to reporter.json
and enter your Chef Automate credentials.
Finally, run the scan:
> inspec exec compliance://<USERNAME>/cis-docker-benchmark --config reporter.json
View the Compliance tab on Chef Automate to see the scan results
Check our container configuration:
describe docker_container('pg_test') do
it { should exist }
it { should be_running }
its('repo') { should eq 'eg_postgresql' }
its('ports') { should eq ">5432/tcp" }
Checking a specific version of an image:
describe docker_image('alpine:latest') do
it { should exist }
its('id') { should eq 'sha256:4a415e3663882fbc554ee830889c68a33b3585503892cc718a4698e91ef2a526' }
its('image') { should eq 'alpine:latest' }
its('repo') { should eq 'alpine' }
its('tag') { should eq 'latest' }
Checking that old, unsupported image doesn't exist:
describe docker_image('u12:latest') do
it { should_not exist }
Ensure no running containers use old image:
describe docker.containers do
its('images') { should_not include 'u12:latest' }
Check if ADD
instruction was used in any images:
docker.images.ids.each do |id|
describe command("docker history #{id}| grep 'ADD'") do
its('stdout') { should eq '' }