
Chef cookbook for managing the configuration of an Automate 2 installation

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Deploys and configures the Chef Automate 2 server in an airgapped, stateless model.



Calls the install recipe.


Installs Chef Automate on a single air-gapped box in a new deployment. Download the chef-automate command before using this recipe (the airgap_bundle recipe does this) and copy it to the node['ma'][chef-automate] location. The AIB file may be a URL or file, similar to this:

node['ma']['install']['file'] = '/tmp/test/automate-20190813170406.aib'

The server will be tuned for passing Automate's preflight-check and swap will be disabled and the heapsize for Elasticsearch will be set to 1/2 total memory. The license may be referred as a file, URL, or a string in an attribute. If you wish to skip the preflight-check but still attempt to configure the machine with the recommended settings (and ignore failures), set

node['ma']['preflight-check'] = false


Restores Chef Automate on a single air-gapped box in a new deployment from a previous backup. Download the chef-automate command before using this recipe (the airgap_bundle recipe does this) and copy it to the node['ma'][chef-automate] location. The AIB and restore files may be URLs or files, similar to this:

node['ma']['install']['file'] = '/tmp/test/automate-20190813170406.aib'
node['ma']['restore']['file'] = '/tmp/test/automate-backup-20190902064704.tgz'

The server will be tuned for passing Automate's preflight-check and swap will be disabled and the heapsize for Elasticsearch will be set to 1/2 total memory. The license may be referred as a file, URL, or a string in an attribute.


Upgrades Chef Automate on a single air-gapped box from an existing deployment. Download the chef-automate command before using this recipe (the airgap_bundle recipe does this) and copy it to the node['ma'][chef-automate] location. The upgrade file may be a URL or file, similar to this:

node['ma']['upgrade']['url'] = 'file://localhost/tmp/test/automate-20190820163418.aib'

The server will be tuned for passing Automate's preflight-check and swap will be disabled and the heapsize for Elasticsearch will be set to 1/2 total memory. The license may be referred as a file, URL, or a string in an attribute.


This recipe requires internet access and is used to download the chef-automate CLI and create an airgap installation bundle (AIB file) from the "current" release channel. It copies the downloaded AIB file to a destination directory (the filename may be overridden with an attribute). It will check if new files are available and a full AIB download is currently almost 800 megabytes, so you may want to limit it to daily usage.


Runs chef-automate backup via cron and copies tarballs of the backups to a destination directory. The default is 2:30am daily, but you may change the cron schedule via the following attributes. The automate-credentials.toml from the initial install or restored backup is included in the backup if available.

node['ma']['backup']['cron']['minute'] = '30'
node['ma']['backup']['cron']['hour'] = '2'
node['ma']['backup']['cron']['day'] = '*'

Testing with Test Kitchen

The included kitchen.yml provides testing scenarios for the following (the 15/16 prefixes indicate which Chef client version is used and most tests are run on CentOS and Ubuntu):

  • aib_download: creates the latest airgap bundle for installing Automate offline. It writes chef-automate and the .aib files to the shared test directory.
  • aib_filename: creates an airgap bundle for installing Automate offline with a given name set via the node['ma']['aib']['file'] attribute. It writes chef-automate and the .aib files to the shared test directory.
  • default: tests installing from a previously downloaded chef-automate and .aib file. Use the aib-download suite to create this if necessary to the shared test directory.
  • upgrade: tests installing and upgrading an installation.
  • backup: install and configure backups.
  • restore: restore an installation from a backup .tgz and an installation .aib file.
  • everything: performs both the airgap bundle creation, restore, upgrade, and scheduling of backups.


The kitchen.yml sets the VM to have the private IP and allocates 6 gigabytes of RAM for testing. If you want to use the Automate web UI, you will need to get the self-signed certificate created with the installation

  1. Use knife ssl fetch to pull the default-centos-7.vagrantup.com.crt.
  2. Install the certificate on your workstation. Under MacOS I used the Keychain Access application and did File->Import Items and selected the certificate. I then set the permissions to allow everything and deleted it when I destroyed the Vagrant machine.
  3. Connect to which will redirect to default-centos-7.vagrantup.com or one of the other suites. This works with Chrome, not Firefox.
  4. If you're following the examples in https://automate.chef.io/docs/iam-v2-api-reference/ you can add automate.example.com to your /etc/hosts.

You will probably need to update the license, directories and AIB files used for your testing. To use a license key, store it in your policyfiles/default.rb similar to this:

override['ma']['license']['string'] = 'thisisnotareallicence_dHlwZSI6ImNvbW1lcmNpYWwiLCJnZW5lcmF0b3IiOiJjaGVmL2xpY2Vuc2UtMi4wLjAiLCJrZXlfc2hhMjU2IjoiZTBkZjI4YzhiYzY4MTUwZWRiZmVmOThjZDZiN2RjNDM5YzFmODBjN2U3ZWY3NDc4OTNhNjg5M2EyZjdiNjBmNyIsImdlbmVyYXRpb25fZGF0ZSI6eyJzZWNvbmRzIjoxNTM0MzQ0MjkwfSwiY3VzdG9tZXIiOiJXZXN0cGFjQVUgLSBBdXRvbWF0ZSAtIE5ldyAtIDMwMDAgTm9kZXMiLCJjdXN0b21lcl9pZCI6Ijg4OEU4NUU3LTY2MUEtNEZGQS04MjlFLTNCRTIyREQyNEU4RCIsImN1c3RvbWVyX2lkX3ZlcnNpb24iOiIxIiwiZW50aXRsZW1lbnRzIjpbeyJuYW1lIjoiQ2hlZiBBdXRvbWF0ZSIsIm1lYXN1cmUiOiJub2RlcyIsInN0YXJ0Ijp7InNlY29uZHMiOjE1MzQyOTEyMDB9LCJlbmQiOnsic2Vjb25kcyI6MTU2NDYxNzU5OX19XX0.AMNR0uiRQgLsfi-W4dBQ5K6EH1HUSK_AFPSIXzzkEn1gAiLjgGwfB3L7oxxrihgV8w8U8Vsxeal_CGg5GI99le3FAYYt5wdCG-8VZNScVcyL8xCIdPUyl0ZV-NLjyhLzf5JKrl9E1dTBzMrh__OsNx34TgRLZ-xNKNekUAy9sVdyHryf'```