
Example server plugin for ctzn

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CTZN Server plugin example

What is it?

A server plugin example for ctzn

How to use it?

  1. You need your own ctzn server (You will need to clone it since you will need to modify package.json to add your plugin.)
  2. Clone this repo and edit the db, api, schema, app folders as needed.
  3. For deployment, publish to npm. For development, use npm/yarn link.
  4. Add this plugin package as a dependency to the package.json of your ctzn clone.
  5. Configure your instance to enable your plugin:
    1. Execute: $ node bin.js
    2. Press C to configure your server
    3. In the server-plugins field, enter your plugin package name (comma-delimited if more than one)
    4. Press S to start the server.