
Camptocamp Charts for Kubernetes Helm

Primary LanguageMustache

CampToCamp Helm Charts Repo

This is the camptocamp charts repository.

Helm Documentation


Install helm on minishift


How It Works

We use the master branch to store our charts code, and gh-pages branch as the charts repository.

GitHub Pages points to the docs folder and our repository is accessible on https://camptocamp.github.io/charts

Add this repo to helm

helm repo add c2c https://camptocamp.github.io/charts

Add a chart

helm create $CHART
helm package $CHART -d docs
helm repo index docs --url https://camptocamp.github.io/charts
git add .
git commit -m "add chart $CHART"
git push origin master

Update a chart

export CHART=gitlab-backup
helm package $CHART -d docs
helm repo index docs --url https://camptocamp.github.io/charts
git add .
git commit -m "updated $CHART"
git push origin master

Hello-world chart

The hello-world chart was created from a tutorial on charts. It's here as an example to understand basic concepts of charts.