
Generate a feed with posts from Reddit, HackerNews and other RSS/Atom feeds

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The python script in this repository generates a Atom feed with

  • Top posts from Reddit
  • Top posts from HackerNews
  • Posts from other RSS/Atom feeds

Reasons for writing this script:

  1. Want to use Feedly as a single point for browsing through 'interesting' posts
  2. Do not want to look at posts in Reddit/HackerNews which have zero comments
  3. Do not want to look at posts which I have already seen (This happens with Google News feeds. If a particular topic does not have new news stories frequently, I keep seeing the same new stories again and again).

Directly adding Sub-Reddits, HackerNews or Google News in Feedly, does not solve the issue of not wanting to see the zero comments posts, or repeated posts. Hence wrote a simple script to achieve my goals.


  1. Install the following python modules:
    • praw
    • feedgen
    • hackernews-python
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • tzlocal
  2. Edit the config file (Description of the config file below)
  3. Run the script by invoking the command python3 generate_feed.py config.json
  4. Run the script periodically, by adding to cron

Config file description:

  • subreddits : Specify the list of subreddits from which to gather the posts. Each element here is a key-value pair, with the key being the subreddit name, and the value being the time filter that needs to be used (all, day, hour, month, week, year).
  • reddit_credentials: Specify the reddit access credentials. Look here to know how to acquire access codes.
  • reddit_min_comments: Only add posts with the number of comments greater than this value.
  • reddit_num_posts: Number of posts to gather from each subreddit
  • feed_sources: Specify RSS feed urls from which to gather posts from
  • add_hn_entries: true if posts from HackerNews need to be acquired
  • hn_num_posts: Only add posts with the number of comments greater than this value
  • max_items_feed: Maximum number of items in the generated feed
  • cache_path: Location where the cached data can be stored
  • feed_url: URL to the location where the generated feed will be published
  • save_path: Location where the generated feed file needs to be saved