Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Open Anaconda Prompt & create enviornment create env

conda create -n winequality python=3.7 -y

Activate the env

conda activate winequality

Create requirements.txt & install it

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create template.py & mentioned the directory structure to create, run it

python template.py

Create .gitignore file

put winequality.csv file in the data_given folder.

let initialise the git, files went untracked mode (U)

git init

Initialize the dvc & .dvcingnore file is created

git dvc

Add the winequality dataset into dvc, .dvc file is created

dvc add data_given\winequality.csv

Add all files into git , After that all files turned into Added mode (A)

git add .

Commit all the changes & then A mode clear ,

git commit -m "first commit"

.gitignore file is created automatically for winequality.csv files

let update REAME.md as it is modified

git add . && git commit -m "Update the README.md files"

Call Remote git remote directory & push the code

git remote add origin https://github.com/sainathpawar/MLOPS.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
  1. Create get_data.py file under src directory to get the data
  2. Create load_data.py file to load the data with required preprocessing & save it under data\raw\winequality.csv
  3. add staged into dvc.yaml file

Once program is done do the testing uisng pytest & tox tox is providing virtual enviornmet for temporary testing

skipsdist = True is mentioned in tox.ini files becasue setup.py file is not there

To run the tox


To reload the virutal enviornment

tox -r

To create python dsitribution to run on differnt machine you can share the tar file with anyone

python setup.py sdist bdist

setup commands - This will use to create package for your program for ex. Numpy or Pandas

pip install -e .

Packages install in your prgram

pip freeze

In a single line you can update the git repository

git add . && git commit -m "updated readme" && git push origin main

Install jupyter lab

pip install jupyterlab

Command to open jupyter notebook.
