
NEAR Storage contract

Primary LanguageRust

Basic Key Value Smart Contract Written in Rust.


cargo test -- --nocapture

Compiling The Contract

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release


Make sure to login with near login first from near cli

Create sub account for smart contract account.

near create-account CONTRACT_NAME.ACCOUNT_ID --masterAcount ACCOUNT_ID --initialBalance 10

Start deploy

near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/key_value_storage.wasm --accountId CONTRACT_ID

Interacting with the contract

near call CONTRACT_ID create_update '{"k": "first_key", "v" : "1"}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID
near view CONTRACT_ID read '{"k": "first_key"}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID

Delete key contract

Delete key contract to make it's more decentralized

near call CONTRACT_ID delete '{"k": "first_key"}' --accountId ACCOUNT_ID