

This program is trained to detect and classify terrorists and counter-terrorists from a CS:GO gameplay clip. I made a dataset containing 434 images from CS:GO gameplay. Then I labelled the bounding box manually for each image and trained YOLOv3 model on the dataset.


  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • Pillow
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • colorsys
  • OpenCV

Quick Start

  1. Run convert.py to convert darknet weights to keras weights. Download darknet model from YOLO website.

  2. Use create_annotationsV2.py to manually create annotations for images and save them to train.txt file. I have already done that boring part for you.

    • Press 1 to set class to '0' (CT).
    • Press 2 to set class to '1' (Terrorists).
    • '0' is the default class for every image.

    Example1: screenshot_23 Example2: screenshot_24

  3. Modify train.py and start training. I have already included a trained tiny_yolo model.

  4. yolo_video.py uses trained model to detect objects in video/images.

To know more about issues and the YOLOv3 implementation that I used, refer to qqwweee/keras-yolo3. To learn the implementation of annotations tool, watch this tutorial mark-jay-yolo.

Result obtained using tiny_yolo model


As seen in above sample, model struggles to classify terrorists properly. Since it is obtained using tiny_yolo model, something like this was expected. I don't have a gpu to train full model.