
Nerd Fonts with Cursive Italic Styles -- Read-only Mirror of https://git.sainnhe.dev/sainnhe/icursive-nerd-font

Primary LanguagePython


Cascadia Code + Cartograph CF = Cascursive


Nanum Gothic Coding + Dank Mono = Danum Gothic

Danum Gothic

Fira Code + Operator Mono = Fisa Code

Fisa Code

Lilex + Operator Mono = Lexsa


Lucida Console + MonoLisa = Lemonade


Monaco + MonoLisa = Macon


Recursive Mono + Cartograph CF = Recursive


The Mix Mono + Script12 BT = The Mix iScript

The Mix iScript

What's this?

You may have seen some fonts with cursive italic styles, for example Operator Mono and Dank Mono.

But do you know that you can patch your favorite fonts with cursive italics from these fonts?

This repository provides utilities to help you do this.

There are also some patched fonts available for downloading in the /dist directory and the release page, all of them support complete nerd font symbols and ligatures.

Patch your favorite fonts

Read this post: Patch Fonts with Cursive Italic Styles