
Metro State of the centers Atlas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#State of the Centers Atlas

##Current Build: 0.0.8 ##Release Date: 2015-02-12

###App Notes: A web-based version of the state of the centers atlas.

###Initial Development: Developed by BNS qa url: https://gis.oregonmetro.gov/dev/soc/#Aloha issue tracking:

#Apr 28, 2016 v0.0.9

  • The app was using mapbox.js instead of leaflet and there is apparently a problem with the mapbox.css that it doesn't work with imageOverlays. I changed the bower.json file to point to leaflet and then the gruntfile to point at the leaflet directory to get both the leaflet.js and the leaflet.css. Version does not seem to matter. In bower the version is set at 0.7.7.

#Feb 12, 2016 v0.0.8

  • Removed console.log from regional and town center templates
  • Changed town center's template row id to 'town_center_row' (was mistakenly regional_center_row)
  • Included style.css in with app.style.css in gruntfile and adjusted index.htm accordingly.


  • Noticed that Hillsdale is a typology and as such does not work in the center view...script.js line 584 wants to get at averages and uses the center's type to figure out which average data blob to use in data.json...
  • When you feel ready, uncomment out the script.js in the gruntfile.js file, grunt, and remove the script.js from index.htm. This will include script.js in the concatenated/minified js payload object.===ready for production.

#Feb 11, 2016 v0.0.7

  • Broke rasters out into year subdirectories
  • Attached heatmap (raster) layers to year sliderbar events.


  • Breaking away from PNG/heatmap.js functionality with this release; can't flip that switch so easily any longer.

#Jan 30, 2016 v0.0.6


  • Fixed time slider in IE
  • Restyled time slider to make it less obtrusive.
  • Bus routes show maptip on hover. *Note - IE map performance is really shitty with bus routes turned on. Would be really good to simplify this geometry.
  • Prevent map from zooming too close.
  • Improved heatmap loading time and provided UI progress indicator.
  • Implemented static heat maps to improve loading of maps.
  • Fixed bug where map doesn't always zoom to Center when entering centers page
  • Fixed banner at a variety of screen widths.
  • Made analysis buffers not clickable (hides the thumb icon when hovering over them (misleading b/c nothing shows up when clicking))


  • I might suggest adding title/alt attributes to image elements so that when a user hovers over a picture in the site it gives a little tooltip with a descriptor.
  • To switch the app back to the fancier Heatmap.js canvas flip the bool at the top of the script.js USE_STATIC_HEATMAPS to true *** NOte that if you do this, you'll also need to ensure that there is a ULI.png available and add it to the top of the script in the same fashion as the other 6 indicator rasters are declared.
  • I haven't set the site up for build mode, to do so, consult with Kellie how to move the script.js and the style.js into the compiled js/css and remove the extra script includes from the index.htm file.

#Sep 21, 2015 v0.0.5

Bugs Fixed

  • Centers zoom to their extent upon page load
  • Household income bar chart and Context Tool scores graphs set to static scales
  • Center changes respect slider year
  • Slider does not get re-created if it already exists
  • Added slider padding


  • Restricted map zoom and pan to Metro Region
  • Adjusted color gradient, resolution, radius, and blur of heatmap - not perfect, but looks a lot better.
  • Changed newdata.json to data.json, deleted data.js


  • Forest Grove Employment breakdown numbers
  • Typology averages... (?)
  • Happy Valley incomes 2011

#Jul 20, 2015 v0.0.0.7

  • Added home, about pages
  • Added map to home page
  • Set up single page app aka routing using Path.js
  • Added data last updated notice in footer
  • Added heatmaps to map in center page
  • Moved map above graphs

#Jun 24, 2015 v0.0.0.5

  • Added radar graph for context tool scores
  • Added time slider for graphs
  • colored center polygons in map according to type
  • Added map popup with center name, type and link to view in Atlas
  • Right-justified private amenity numbers in amenity grid
  • Fixed Nav bar menu to dropdown to the left instead of off screen to the right.

To Build

  • Install Node.js dependencies (reads package.json)

  • npm install

  • Install Bower (js) dependencies (reads bower.json file)

  • bower i

  • Run grunt to compile/build (reads gruntfile.js)

  • grunt