Retro groove color scheme for Vim.
Gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans and solarized.
Designed as a bright theme with pastel 'retro groove' colors and light/dark mode switching in the way of solarized. The main focus when developing Gruvbox is to keep colors easily distinguishable, contrast enough and still pleasant for the eyes.
Refer Gallery for more syntax-specific screenshots.
- Lots of style-customization options (contrast, color invertion, italics usage etc.)
- Extended filetype highlighting: Html, Xml, Vim, Clojure, C, Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Objective-C, Go, Lua, MoonScript, Java
- Supported plugins: EasyMotion, vim-sneak, Indent Guides, indentLine, Rainbow Parentheses, Airline, GitGutter, Signify, ShowMarks, Signature, Syntastic, CtrlP, Startify
gruvbox comes in two modes, dark and light. To toggle between them with F5 you can add these to your .vimrc:
map <silent> <F5> :call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR>
imap <silent> <F5> <ESC>:call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR>a
vmap <silent> <F5> <ESC>:call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR>gv
Just setting background to an appropriate value would work as well:
set bg=dark " Setting dark mode
set bg=light " Setting light mode
Since gruvbox inverts cursor color, it could be awkward to determine current position, when the search is highlighted. To get single cursor color while searching, map these gruvbox functions same way:
nnoremap <silent> <Leader><Space> :call gruvbox#hls_toggle()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Leader><Space> <ESC>:call gruvbox#hls_toggle()<CR>a
vnoremap <silent> <Leader><Space> <ESC>:call gruvbox#hls_toggle()<CR>gv
nnoremap <silent> <CR> :call gruvbox#hls_hide()<CR><CR>
nnoremap * :let @/ = ""<CR>:call gruvbox#hls_show()<CR>*
nnoremap / :let @/ = ""<CR>:call gruvbox#hls_show()<CR>/
nnoremap ? :let @/ = ""<CR>:call gruvbox#hls_show()<CR>?
So you'll get g:gruvbox_hls_cursor
(orange by default) cursor color when highlight search is on and inverted one otherwise. With such mappings you could also toggle search highlight on and off with and hide it with Enter.
- (Recommended) 256-color palette with gruvbox-palette shell script
- 16 colors palette mode with gruvbox terminal colorscheme
Most terminals doesn't allow italics so the text that must be italicized goes inverted. To prevent that disable g:gruvbox_italic
That's known issue with Ubuntu GTK-themes. Refer † for more details. Known affected terms are Gnome Terminal, Terminator and Lilyterm and probably more VTE-based. Though with Lilyterm option 'Dim text when inactive' set off everything works fine.
(...). Refer † and ‡ for more details.
Enables bold text.
default: 1
Enables italic text.
default: 1
Enables underlined text.
default: 1
Enables undercurled text.
default: 1
Uses 256-color palette (suitable to pair with gruvbox-palette shell script). If you're dissatisfied with that, set option value to 16
to fallback base colors to your terminal palette. Refer † for details.
default: 256
Possible values are soft
, medium
and hard
default: medium
Changes cursor background while search is highlighted. Possible values are any of gruvbox palette.
default: orange
Changes sign column background color. Possible values are any of gruvbox palette.
default: dark1
Enables italic for comments.
default: 1
Enables italic for strings.
default: 0
Inverts selected text.
default: 1
Inverts GitGutter and Syntastic signs. Useful to rapidly focus on.
default: 0
Inverts indent guides. Could be nice paired with set list
so it would highlight only tab symbols instead of it's background.
default: 0
See gruvbox-generalized repo for contributions, ports and extras.
- Filetype syntax highlighting (R, TeX and I'm still dissatisfied with CSS)
- Plugin support (MiniBufExplorer, Tagbar)
- Airline theme