
Sync Secrets between HashiCorp vaults

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




vsync, an easy, efficient way to sync credentials across from one origin to multiple destinations

  • Parallel workers to finish the job faster
  • No need of cron jobs to trigger syncing
  • Cleanly closes the cycles
  • Exposes telemetry data (OpenTelemetry integration in future)
  • Clean vault audit log, as it uses only kv metadata for comparison
  • Transform the path between origin and destination while syncing eg: secret/data/runner/stage/app1 => runnerv2/data/stage/app1/secrets without impacting apps / users
  • Loopback to have origin and destination in the same vault
  • Meta sync information is stored in consul
  • A cleaner vault audit log as they are not clogged because of secret distribution

This does the job of replication of secrets across vaults but is not on par ( not even close to comparing ) with flexibility and performance of hashicorp's vault enterprise replication feature.

More documentation:

How vsync Works



Where can I grab this tool

Manual download

  1. Goto releases page
  2. Download the latest binary for your OS
  3. Place the binary somewhere in global path, like /usr/local/bin

Docker images

Find the latest release tag from github release page of this project

TODO: add docker image 


A tool that sync secrets between different vaults probably within same environment vaults

  vsync [flags]
  vsync [command]

Available Commands:
  destination Performs comparisons of sync data structures and copies data from origin to destination for nullifying the diffs
  help        Help about any command
  origin      Generate sync data structure in consul kv for entities that we need to distribute

  -c, --config string                       load the config file along with path (default is $HOME/.vsync.json)
      --destination.consul.address string   destination vault address
      --destination.dc string               destination datacenter
      --destination.vault.address string    destination vault address
      --destination.vault.token string      destination vault token
  -h, --help                                help for vsync
      --log.level string                    logger level (info|debug)
      --log.type string                     logger type (console|json)
      --origin.consul.address string        origin consul address
      --origin.dc string                    origin datacenter
      --origin.vault.address string         origin vault address
      --origin.vault.token string           origin vault token
      --version                             version information

Use "vsync [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Developer guide



Run the script in scripts/local_bootstrap.sh which should create a miniature test envrionment using docker.

It creates

You can find example working configs in configs folder

More docs about vsync config

To create more secrets for stress test purposes, change the seq N in populate data section of script. populate data will use parallel to use all your cpus to create secrets faster. I have tested N with 10000.



go run main.go origin --config ./configs/origin.json


go run main.go destination --config ./configs/dest.v2.json

> loop will have destination vault same as origin vault, useful for transforming the secret paths

go run main.go destination --config ./configs/dest_loop.v2.json


  • refactor how we export metrics
  • more datadog & prometheus metrics
  • more integration tests (hopefully with docker compose)
  • change the config to use hcl format, see if its useful
  • see if we can improve how we collect metedata from origin

Good parts

  • Don't change the destination metadata based on destination secrets, it is currently and it should be on origin metadata, because the destination updated time and will be different always. When we compare in next sync cycle the info will be different and we will forever be syncing

  • Destination is halting if syncmap is not present in destination vsync/ in consul, which will need manual restart to re initialize the vsync path

  • For transformer regex, use https://regex101.com/. Example: https://regex101.com/r/yelNjd/1

Required tools



We use git tags extensively and follow basic semantic versioning strictly with v prefix

basic semantic version -> v{{Major}}.{{Minor}}.{{Patch}}

Snapshot -> development artifact, eg. v0.0.0-1-g1feac53, denotes from how many commits from recent tag on same branch and current commit hash

Release -> public artifact, eg. v0.0.1

All commit messages must follow:

  • Patch -> pa: attributes: commit message
  • Minor -> mi: attributes: commit message
  • Major -> ma: attributes: commit message


You must perform a git tag $(NEW_VERSION) then git push --tags $(NEW_VERSION)


Pull requests are welcome. Please refer to our CONTRIBUTING file.


This project is available under the Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright 2019 Expedia, Inc
