
Primary LanguageTypeScript

End-to-end type-safe Todo App on Cloudflare

This Todo App is a project demonstrating the creation of an end-to-end type-safe web application quickly and cost-effectively by combining tRPC, Drizzle, Cloudflare Pages, Cloudflare Pages Functions, and Cloudflare D1.


Key Features

  • Host static content built by Vite on Cloudflare Pages
  • Implement serverless functions for API endpoints using Cloudflare Pages Functions
  • Utilize tRPC for type-safe communication between backend and frontend
  • Use Cloudflare D1 as a lightweight, SQLite-based database solution
  • Use Drizzle as a ORM and migration generator


  • Node.js (v18 or higher)
  • Cloudflare account

Getting Started

  1. Create a repository from this template repository using the GitHub CLI

    gh repo create todo-demo --clone --public --template toyamarinyon/trpc-d1-todo
    cd todo-demo
  2. Instal dependencies

    npm install

    Note I prefer pnpm over npm but Cloudflare Pages builds do not yet support pnpm.

  3. Expose your database name

    Replace <DATABASE_NAME> to your database name. It will be use by following steps.

  4. Create your database

    Run the following command and give your database a name:

    npx wrangler d1 create $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME
  5. Configure database binding with wrangler.toml

    You need to configure database binding to run it and test it locally with wrangler.toml

    Add the following to your wrangler.toml file:

    [[ d1_databases ]]
    binding = "<BINDING_NAME>"
    database_name = "<DATABASE_NAME>"
    database_id = "<UUID>"

    Set your binding name by updating the <BINDING_NAME> value. Your binding is available in your Cloudflare Pages Functions at env.<BINDING_NAME>. You will find the values for database_name and database_id in your terminal after you run the create command in step 4.

  6. Create table against your local database

    Cloudflare D1 provides migration tools. You can use it to check list of unapplied migrations:

    npx wrangler d1 migrations list $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME --local

    Then you can see the following:

    │ Name                       │
    │ 0000_dusty_dragon_lord.sql │

    This migration creates a tasks table and inserts three tasks.

    $ cat migrations/0000_dusty_dragon_lord.sql
    CREATE TABLE tasks (
            `id` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
            `title` text NOT NULL,
            `description` text NOT NULL,
            `completion_at` integer
    INSERT INTO tasks (title, description)
    VALUES ('Buy milk', 'Buy milk from the store'),
           ('Buy eggs', 'Buy eggs from the store'),
           ('Buy bread', 'Buy bread from the store');

    And you can use the following to apply any unapplied migrations:

    npx wrangler d1 migrations apply $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME --local

    Then validate your data is in your database by running:

    npx wrangler d1 execute $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME --local --command='SELECT * FROM tasks'

    You'll see the following:

    │ id │ title     │ description              │ completion_at │
    │ 1  │ Buy milk  │ Buy milk from the store  │               │
    │ 2  │ Buy eggs  │ Buy eggs from the store  │               │
    │ 3  │ Buy bread │ Buy bread from the store │               │

    This completes the creation of the local database. Now let's run the ToDo application locally.

  7. Run locally with Wrangler

    To run Cloudflare Pages locally, use the wrangler pages dev command; to run Cloudflare D1 as well, add the three options --local, --persist, and --d1=<DATABASE_NAME>.

    Then add npm run dev to the end of the command to integrate Cloudflare Pages and Vite's dev server.

    npx wrangler pages dev --local --persist --d1=$DEMO_DATABASE_NAME -- npm run dev

    This will then start serving your Pages project. You can press B to open the browser on your local site 🎉

Deploying to Cloudflare Pages and Cloudflare Pages Functions

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.

  2. Select your account in Account Home > Pages.

  3. Select Create a project > Connect to Git.

  4. Select your new GitHub repository.

  5. In the Set up builds and deployments, set npm run build as the Build command, and dist as the Build output directory.

  6. Select Environment variables (advanced) > + Add variable > configure a NODE_VERSION variable with 17.

  7. The deployment will succeed, but database binding is not yet, so setting it is.

    1. Show Settings tab.
    2. Select Functions menu.
    3. Select D1 database bindings > Add binding > configure a DB variable with a value of <DATABASE_NAME>
  8. Redeploy the latest deployment to apply the above settings.

  9. Migrate the D1 database on Cloudflare

    Show unapplied migrations as list:

    npx wrangler d1 migrations list $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME

    Then apply them:

    npx wrangler d1 migrations apply $DEMO_DATABASE_NAME

    Open the page, you'll be able to see ToDo App on Cloudflare.
