
A pre-screen interview question that was required to be solved by SaltSide

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Tested on Ruby 2.2.4 and 2.2.1
  • Tested on Mac OS X


  • gem install bundler
  • bundle install

start server (requires mongodb)

  • rails s # -p $PORT # runs on port 3000 by default

Run tests (requires mongodb)

  • rspec -f d spec/controllers spec/models

Testing from CLI

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @db/samples/create_bird.json http://localhost:3000/birds.json

endpoints that can be hit

  • GET http://localhost:3000/birds
  • POST http://localhost:3000/birds
  • GET http://localhost:3000/birds/57692020c5231b94f8d78b36
  • DELETE http://localhost:3000/birds/57692020c5231b94f8d78b36