
RSS Feed for Twitter Users or Lists

MIT LicenseMIT


Write in Elixir



  1. Twitter List
  2. Twitter Profile
  3. Twitter Search


  1. RSS

URL Format

  1. List - https://domain.com/t/l/sairam/rails.rss
  2. Public User - https://domain.com/t/pu/sairam.rss # (Public timeline)
  3. Private User - https://domain.com/t/pr/sairam.rss # (Changes based on user querying)
  4. Search - https://domain.com/t/s/google.rss

Usage Limits

  1. Cache response for 5-10 minutes for signed in users
  2. Cache response for 1 hour for anonymous users
  3. Remember history to avoid re-querying (Optimization) - Requires DataStore

Private Links

  1. Generate and store a link to associate with an Input
  2. Any of the above links get associated as https://domain.com/t/p/192kdassf9sdf23ldsa-238fda.rss
  3. The private link is different per user for the same list