PhenoDriver: Interpretable framework for studying personalized phenotype-associated driver genes in breast cancer
In this repository, we provide the R scripts to reproduce the results and figures and figures of the paper.
Install dependency packages:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("", "DESeq2", "AnnotationDbi", "clusterProfiler")
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
├─data [the code of biRFR framework]
| ├─BRCA_NT_Rawcounts.csv [the gene expression matrix of normal samples for breast cancer]
| ├─BRCA_TP_Rawcounts.csv [the gene expression matrix of Tumor patients for breast cancer]
| ├─Cluster_Info.csv [The clinical and subtype information of patients]
| ├─MC3_BRCA.maf.gz [Breast cancer MC3 mutation data after compress]
| ├─NCBI2Reactome.txt [NCBI gene ID to Reactome pathway terms mapping (v79)]
| └─SignalTransductionNet.txt [Signal Transduction Network (STN) edge list file]
├─main.R [R script for detecting personalized driver genes]