A repository holding code and notes for projects for in the Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program.
I am hoping to find a position in data science or machine learning after completing this course of study.
- Predicting Titanic Survival - exploratory analysis, decision trees
- Valuation of Boston Housing - linear regression, feature engineering
- Designing a Student Intervention System - feature selection, classification, visualization
- 'In class' clustering mini-project - unsupervised learning
- Creating Customer Segments - clustering, Gaussian mixed models, PCA and dimensionality reduction
- Training a 'smart' cab - reinforcement learning, Q-learning, optimization
- Deep Learning and Tensorflow Unit - Tensorflow, neural networks, convolutional neural networks, word2vec, LSTM's
- Capstone: Headlines and Stock Price Movements - natural language processing, classification, sentiment analysis
Tools used: Python 2, Jupyter Notebooks, Spyder, seaborn, nltk, Pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn