
This project is for the notebooks, code, and data for the "Vocabulary Analysis of Job Descriptions" tutorial at PyData 2017 Seattle

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In the initial analysis of a data set it is useful to gather informative summaries. This includes evaluating the available fields, by finding unique counts or by calculating summary statistics such as averages for numerical fields. These summaries help in understanding what is in the data itself, the underlying quality, and illuminate potential paths for further exploration. In structured data, this a straightforward task, but for unstructured text, different types of summaries are needed. Some useful examples for text data include a count of the number of documents in which a term occurs, and the number of times a term occurs in a document. Since vocabulary terms often have variant forms, e.g. “performs” and “performing”, it is useful to pre-process and combine these forms before computing distributions. Oftentimes, we want to look at sequences of words, for example we may want to count the number of times “data science” occurs, and not just “data” and “science”. We will use the pandas Python Data Analysis Library and the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) to process a data set of job descriptions posted by employers in the United States, and look at the difference in vocabularies across different job segments.


For "Vocabulary Analysis of Job Descriptions", the tutorial will be done using Jupyter notebooks, so it would be good to have a Jupyter notebook server running. The Anaconda installer comes with most of the libraries that the tutorial will use: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, and NLTK. Although NLTK is installed with Anaconda, the data may not be, so attendees should install at least the "book" collection of NLTK data (general NLTK data installation instructions). The only additional library that the tutorial will use is wordcloud (github) which can be installed by following the instructions on the linked github page.