
A repo to have the entire student recommedation system, software engineering project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Student Advisory System

This application was developed for Software Engineering lab in SCIS, University of Hyderabad.

Installation Instructions

You must have the following installed on your system:

  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB

I assume you have NodeJS installed.


Install the Angular CLI globally.

To install the CLI using npm, open a terminal/console window and enter the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli


Follow instruction given here or any other material you are convinced by.

Project setup

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/somanath08/SE-project.git

Change the working directory

cd Student-Recommendation-System
# One time thing; to install all the dependencies in your system
npm install

The last setup includes writing the .env file. We usually use the .env file to hide our passwords and API keys as these files are not pushed to the git repos. So, you will need to create one such file yourself.

We use nodemailer to send confirmation emails to registered users and hence we require you set it up too. You can find the instructions for configuration of Gmail account here.

You can skip this step but then a user will not be able to access his dashboard after registering and you will need to resort to some manual routing to get the job done.

Once you have setup nodemailer do the following:

cd Student-recommendation-System
touch .env #create an empty file with that name

Paste the following information in the .env file


Remember to edit the content before saving the file.

How to run the application

You have to start three servers for the project, in the increasing order of importance:

  • The Angular development server: This is used to live preview our changes in the browser; in a case if you are not concerned about a production build, you can use this to showcase the applicaiton.

  • The MongoDB server: The application uses MongoDB as its database hence you need it up and running

  • The application server: You also need to start a server that has the application logic written.

We first start the mongodb server

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath=.data

Some caveats: The above should run in a new terminal window. It will start a mongodb server listening on port 27017 and persistent strogare being in the .data folder. Make sure you already have created the directory; else run mkdir .data

We then move on and start the application server. Inside the Student-Recommendation-System directory, run the following command in a new terminal window.

npm run dev

Finally, we start the Angular development server

ng serve --open

The ng serve command launches the server, watches your files, and rebuilds the app as you make changes to those files. The --open (or just -o) option automatically opens your browser to http://localhost:4200/. You should see the application running there.

You can read the SRS document in the Agile-Docs directory for more information. If you are still using StarUML, you can also open and have look at Usecase_model.mdj if you feel like it.