
An online review webscraper that adapts to various HTML topologies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Leafly Multi-threading Review Scraper

A python web scraper using the requests library to scrape reviews from the popular cannabis rating website, Leafly.com. Also takes advantage of multi-threading through the multiprocessing library to speed up scraping, which comes with python3 by default, utilizing more CPU to scrape up to 70 sites at once.


The following libraries are needed: psutil (if logging cpu usage), requests, BeautifulSoup, datetime

pip install psutil
pip install requests
pip install bs4
pip install datetime


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get the scraper running

Scrape Cannabis strains from Leafly.com in order for preperation

Append / Uncomment weedStrainScraper() to the end of the leafly-scraper.py file

This runs the weedStrainScraper, which gets the name and urls to individual strains, to be used later in the process.

##Running The Scraper for Reviews

In the same directory as yur leafly-scraper.py, create a results folder. This is where the final csv's will go.

Append / Uncomment the following code at the end of the leafly-scraper.py file

threads = 1 #The amount of threads you want to run this at
weedfile = open("weed_file.txt", "r")
lines = weedfile.readlines()
if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Pool(threads)
    records = p.map(writeToTextfile, lines)

Change the amount of threads based on how much the CPU can handle. A recommended amount is around 10 threads


From the command-line, run python leafly-scraper.py and watch the reviews come in!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details