
In this Repository all the code snippets contains solutions of May LeetCode Challenge of 2020. This repository contains all my completed coding challenges from coding challenge website-LeetCode.I do not own the rights to the questions and am just cataloging my submissions for the purposes of revision and as an exercise in learning git.

Primary LanguageJava


In this Repository all the code snippets contains solutions of May LeetCode Challenge of 2020. https://leetcode.com/explore/featured/card/may-leetcoding-challenge/

WEEK - 1 - May 1st-May7th

Problem Solution
Day-1-FirstBadVersion Java
Day-2-JewelsAndStones Java
Day-3-RansomNote Java
Day-4-NumberCompliment Java
Day-5-FirstUniqueCharacterInAString Java
Day-6-MajorityElement Java
Day-7-CousinsInBinaryTree Java

WEEK - 2 - May 8th-May 14th

Problem Solution
Day-1-CheckIfItIsAStraightLine Java
Day-2-ValidPerfectSquare Java
Day-3-FindtheTownJudge Java
Day-4-FloodFill Java
Day-5-SingleElementinaSortedArray Java
Day-6-RemoveKDigits Java
Day-7-ImplementTrie(PrefixTree) Java

WEEK - 3 - May 15th-May 21st

Problem Solution
Day-1-MaximumSumCircularSubarray Java
Day-2-OddEvenLinkedList Java
Day-3-FindAllAnagramsinaString Java
Day-4-PermutationinaString Java
Day-5-OnlineStockSpan Java
Day-6-KthSmallestElementinaBST Java
Day-7-CountSquareSubmatriceswithAllOnes Java

WEEK - 4 - May 22nd-May 28th

Problem Solution
Day-1-SortCharactersByFrequency Java
Day-2-IntervalListIntersections Java
Day-3-ConstructBinarySearchTreePreorderTraversal Java
Day-4-UncrossedLines Java
Day-5-ContigousArray Java
Day-6-PossibleBipartition Java
Day-7-CountingBits Java

WEEK - 5 - May 29th-May 31st

Problem Solution
Day-1-CourseSchedule Java
Day-2-KClosestPointsToOrigin Java
Day-3-EditDistance Java