

Step 1 - Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2 - Run file


Git version

git --version

To download the dataset


To get the remote variables

git remote -v

Git commands

If you are starting a project and you want to use git in your project

git init

Note: This is going to initalize git in your source code.


You can clone exiting github repo

git clone <github_url>

Note: Clone/ Downlaod github repo in your system

Add your changes made in file to git stagging are

git add file_name

Note: You can given file_name to add specific file or use "." to add everything to staging are

Create commits

git commit -m "message"
git push origin main

Note: origin--> contains url to your github repo main--> is your branch name

To push your changes forcefully.

git push origin main -f

To pull changes from github repo

git pull origin main

Note: origin--> contains url to your github repo main--> is your branch name.