Developed by Sai Teja Macharla

No Test cases provided for this Assignment.

Session 14 - Context Managers

Topics Covered

  • Decimal Precision
  • Generators and Context Manager

Project: Description

For this project you have 4 files containing information about persons.

The files are:

personal_info.csv - personal information such as name, gender, etc. (one row per person) vehicles.csv - what vehicle people own (one row per person) employment.csv - where a person is employed (one row per person) update_status.csv - when the person's data was created and last updated Each file contains a key, SSN, which uniquely identifies a person.

This key is present in all four files.

You are guaranteed that the same SSN value is present in every file, and that it only appears once per file.

In addition, the files are all sorted by SSN, i.e. the SSN values appear in the same order in each file.

Goal 1

  • Your first task is to create iterators for each of the four files that contained cleaned up data, of the correct type (e.g. string, int, date, etc), and represented by a named tuple. For now these four iterators are just separate, independent iterators.

Goal 2

  • Create a single iterable that combines all the columns from all the iterators.
  • The iterable should yield named tuples containing all the columns. Make sure that the SSN's across the files match!
  • All the files are guaranteed to be in SSN sort order, and every SSN is unique, and every SSN appears in every file.
  • Make sure the SSN is not repeated 4 times - one time per row is enough!

Goal 3

  • Next, you want to identify any stale records, where stale simply means the record has not been updated since 3/1/2017 (e.g. last update date < 3/1/2017). Create an iterator that only contains current records (i.e. not stale) based on the last_updated field from the status_update file.

Goal 4

  • Find the largest group of car makes for each gender.
  • Possibly more than one such group per gender exists (equal sizes).


  • You will not be able to use a simple split approach here
  • Instead you should use the csv module and the reader function
  • Here's a simple example of how to use it - you will need to expand on this for your project goals, but this is a good starting point

Function created based on Assignment

read_file :

  • Reads the csv file with ',' delimiter

personal_info_generator :

  • Generator for personal_info named tuple , Generates a named tuple for each row in the file

fetch_records :

  • provides the list of generator records

vehicle_generator :

  • Generator for vehicle named tuple , Generates a named tuple for each row in the file

employment_generator :

  • Generator for employment named tuple , Generates a named tuple for each row in the file

update_status_generator :

  • Generator for update_status named tuple , Generates a named tuple for each row in the file

merge_tuples :

  • Merges the records from all the generators into a single list of named tuples ,creates new named tuple by merging other named tuples with key "SSN"

combined_generator :

  • Generator for combined named tuple , Generates a named tuple for each row in the file combines all named tuple merged records

vehicle_make_gender_information :

  • Generator for Vehicle Make , Gender from given records

vehicle_make_gender_generator :

  • Generator for Vehicle Make , Gender combinations

show_top_count :

  • Prints Vehicle Make, gender combination count in tabular format

Final results

For Females : Ford , Chevrolet are famous with 48 count

For Males : Ford are famous with 44 count