
Microsoft excel project to analyze data from a call center to find methods to enhance customer experience

Call Center Analysis

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Call center analysis is crucial in monitoring and improving both call center management and the customer experience.

Objective of this Project:

Objective of this project is to build a dynamic dashboard in excel to find how much the customers are satisfied by the call centre by considering 6 metrics and discuss how to improve call center performance and customer experience.

Techniques Used

Data extraction, cleaning, slicer making.

Tools used:

MS Excel

These lists are taken account while analyzing call center data

1)Channel Distribution: shows the percentage of calls over different communication channels.
2)Reason Analysis: Explore the most common reasons that customer repeatedly contact customer support
3)Sentiment Analysis: Analyze emotional tone behind an incoming message and tells the underlying sentiment is positive or negative or neutral feedbacks respectively
4)Service Level Agreement(SLA): calculates the percentage of interactions that fall above, below or within the defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) response time.
5)Call volume: to find how many calls your call center receives each day and total call duration
6)Average call duration: Finds how long it takes your agents to handle each call. A long average handle time can indicate that your agents are not efficient, or that they are spending too much time on each call.
7)Customer satisfaction: gives how satisfied your customers are with your call center service by checking average satisfaction score

So, pivot tables are made for the data analysis
For primary KPIS

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For secondary KPIS and slicers

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This is the final dashboard:



1)The percentage of calls over different communication channels not showing much difference
2)Billing question is the most common reasons that customer repeatedly contact customer support
3)Negative feedback is received most when sentiment analysis is done
4)The percentage of interactions is more within SLA
5)4 calls received in 31st day
6)Average call duration to resolve customer issues is 25 minutes
7)Customer satisfaction on an average is 6.


  1. Replacing with trained agents so that average call duration can be minimised by resolving customer issues fast.
  2. Monitor all customer support channels
  3. Give customers the chance to rank their customer service experience after each call center interaction
  4. Make improvements so as to reduce negative sentiment analysis